What Helps Retain Fluids In The Body?

By Patricia | February 1, 2010

Retaining Fluid (Water Retention)

Most people are on the look out for ways not to retain any fluids in the body because fluid retention is not good for the internal organs. Water retention is usually a sign of a more serious underlying condition and causes the body to swell. Hence, I am not too sure of the reason or the circumstances related to your query. Sometimes, people perspire excessively and this is not good for health as it can lead to dehydration. Conditions like diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting can also lead to a loss of fluids from the body. An inability to retain fluids could also be linked with stress, anxiety, overexertion, eating very fast or overeating.

What Helps Retain Fluids In The Body?

Drinking at least 8 glasses of water everyday is recommended as water is essential for the smooth functioning of the body. Drinking lots of water does not mean that your body will retain excessive fluids, but will promote better working of your kidneys, improve metabolism, and enhance the working of the digestive system. Coconut water is an excellent option as it is rich in nutrients and helps in maintaining the electrolyte balance within the body.

Fruit juices are also recommended as they contain the required nutrients to ensure that the body gets all the nourishment it needs. Watermelon, being a very good source of water is recommended as part of a dietary plan. Eating foods that contain lowered amounts of salt are advised because high salt foods tend to absorb excess water from the blood thus causing dehydration. Aerated drinks tend to increase urinary water loss and must be avoided in order to retain a recommended level of water in the body. Similarly, excessive amounts of caffeine could also prove to be harmful to the body as it could have similar effects. Making sure that your diet contains a lot of fibrous foods like fresh fruits and vegetables also helps in retaining a healthy level of water in the body.

Water Retention In Legs

Fluids normally collect in the legs, especially in the feet. Regular exercise is advised so that the body functions efficiently and the fluids consumed do not accumulate in one specific region of the body. Mediation and deep breathing exercises help in keeping stress levels down and relaxing the body.

Sufficient amount of rest ensures that the body has time to recuperate from the day’s activity. If you are still unable to retain fluids, visiting a doctor is recommended as the reason for your condition may be linked with an underlying disorder.

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