How To Treat A Swelling On Your Child’s Face

By Patricia | November 12, 2009

Can I use an ice pack on child’s face that is swollen from some allergic reaction, the swollen part is red is and little hot.

An ice pack can bring the swelling down but it will not cure the allergy, whether caused by poison ivy or anything else. The ice pack may bring only temporary relief and you may have to administer it a couple of times a day. But, make sure that you don’t place it on the child’s face too long as it may cause abrasion. A better thing to do would be dipping a cloth in cold water and placing it on your child’s face. Firstly, it would be better if you recalled what has caused the reaction. The course of action would be different in the case of an allergy from a skin infection. Also, you need to avoid the troublemaker completely. And, don’t wait too long to take your child to the doctor if the allergy persists. If you feel the swelling is not subsiding, you must take your child to a dermatologist. You can use some remedies at home to alleviate the swelling. But, first you need to ensure that if there is itching, your child doesn’t scratch or even touch the face too much. That may cause infection.

Home Treatment To Reduce Swelling

There are many ways in which you can reduce the child’s swelling. A paste made of sandalwood and limejuice is an effective curer of most allergic reactions. Apply the paste on your child’s face. Alternatively, mix lemon juice and coconut oil Mashing almond leaves and applying it on the affected areas is also an effective remedy. You can also place slices of cucumber on your child’s face to bring down the swelling. Or, dip a cotton swab in cucumber juice and apply it on the affected areas. Make a mix of one tablespoon of crushed poppy seeds and a teaspoon of water and limejuice each. Apply this paste on the affected parts to get relief.

You can also make some solutions that can be consumed by your child. Make a mix of paste of five grams garden mint and water. Filter the solution and add 12 grams of sugar to it. Have your child consume this twice a day. You can also increase the amount of Vitamin C in your child’s daily diet. Citrus fruits like oranges, sweet lime, and grapevine are very rich in Vitamin C. Try not to give him any processed foods as the preservatives or artificial flavors may aggravate the allergy. You can also give him a mix of carrot juice, beetroot and cucumber juice.

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