Treating Stomach Cramp Naturally

By Patricia | January 18, 2010


Stomach cramps can be caused by a variety of factors which include menstruation, the formation of gas in the stomach and indigestion. In case it is caused by gas, it would do good to keep an eye on your consumption of food items such as beans, sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, onions, cauliflower, peaches, apples, pears, whole wheat bread, milk, ice cream, carbonated drinks, soda and muffins. If you are able to pinpoint which food causes you discomfort, you may want to avoid that completely and switch to another with the same nutritional value. Red meats such as beef, pork or lamb are more difficult to digest and are best had in minimal quantities. Make sure to have small frequent meals throughout the day and chew your food thoroughly before swallowing it. Take a short walk to reduce the muscle tension, and reduce the tension around the pelvic region, thus improving circulation as well.

Home Remedies

Mix some fennel into peppermint tea and consume the mixture hot throughout the day. Boil a piece of cinnamon in two cups of water. Strain the liquid once it has simmered thoroughly and drink up to ease the pain and provide relief. Soak yourself in a hot water bath to relax the abdominal muscles and ease the cramps. Fill a hot water bottle and cover it up with a piece of cloth or put it into a thick old pillowcase and place on the stomach. The heat will expand the vessels in the area helping in better circulation of blood. Take a few basil leaves and mix a pinch of salt, three tablespoons of curd and a pinch of ground black pepper. Consume the mixture for immediate relief. Pomegranates are good for stomach ailments and can be had throughout the day especially if the cramps are related to indigestion. A herbal tea made of comfrey, alfalfa or red raspberry leaf will help alleviate the cramps. Take a gram of rock salt and mix two grams of celery leaves that have been dried and crushed to it. Consume every time you suffer from cramps for instant relief. Crush fenugreek seeds into a fine paste and add a little yoghurt to it. Eat the mixture to reduce the cramps. Add a pinch of black salt or asafetida to a little coconut oil and warm it up. Massage in circular motions on to the abdominal region to improve circulation and reduce the cramping.

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