Causes & Remedies for Foul Urine Odor & Vaginal Discharges

By Patricia | January 18, 2010

What is indication of bad urine odor and clear discharges?

Urine that has a strong odor is in most cases an indication that you are dehydrated and this condition can be remedied by consuming 5-6 liters of water every day. It may be difficult initially if you are not used to drinking so much water, so start with two liters and gradually build it up. Remember, however, that there is no substitute for water, and sodas, alcohol, and other caffeinated beverages are not a substitute. If you are on vitamin supplements or in the habit of including large amounts of asparagus in your diet, it may cause a foul odor. A fishy odor to the urine accompanied by discharge is caused by bacterial vaginosis which is additionally symptomised by itching and a stinging or burning sensation in the vaginal area. If the discharge is also accompanied by itchiness and other uncomfortable sensations, you could be suffering from a yeast infection which can easily be treated. Consume a cup of unflavored unsweetened yoghurt every day if you are not lactose intolerant. The probiotic in yoghurt fights against the bacteria and you can additionally try out an application of non concentrated tea tree oil to heal the area.

Remedies For Foul Smelling Urine

If the smell still persists, foul smelling urine and discharge is also an indication of the onset of a urinary tract infection. It would be advisable to visit your doctor for a diagnosis on the extent of your condition and possible medication. If this is only the first stage, you can take steps at home to prevent it from worsening. Avoid wearing tight clothes and stick to cotton panties while avoiding panty liners completely. Drink homemade cranberry juice or you may have them raw in the course of the day. Cranberry juice can form part of an excellent shake for this condition if mixed with a little unflavored yoghurt and a spoon of honey. Take four liters of water and heat up till it boils. Once it cools down but is still warm, put in half a teaspoon of baking soda. The baking soda will help increase the acidic level in your urine and the mixture can be sipped throughout the day. Boil a few cumin seeds in five litres of water and once it has cooled down sufficiently, sip slowly over the course of the day. Foul smelling urine and discharge is although rarely, also a symptom of serious metabolic conditions, so a burned caramel like odour of the urine may require a doctor’s visit at the earliest. Also remember to keep the hair around the region trimmed and dry at all times and avoid douching as this will only worsen the infection.

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