Natural Cures For Dark Marks On Face & Nose

By Patricia | January 26, 2010

With the increasing importance of aesthetic appearance in today’s world, it is very easy to get excessively concerned by even the slightest of marks on a person’s skin. Given the fact that one can change almost anything they do not like about their appearance with the help of plastic surgery and skin grafting, it is rather easy to get sucked into a world that one gets very conscious about even the most trivial of imperfections. However, this is not to say that you do not have any basis for your concerns about your physical appearance. Dark marks can be caused by a number of factors such as the over exposure of your skin to the harmful ultra violet rays of the sun or even the constant use of the many easily available chemically enhanced skin lotions that are supposed to make you look much fairer and younger in just a matter of days. As you have pointed out, however, the reasons for the dark marks on your skin stem from the constant rubbing of your nose. This is also the main reason that you are likely to notice the underarms seem to be significantly darker than the rest of your skin tone.

Home Remedies For Dark Spots or Marks On Face Skin

Given the fact that dark spots and marks are a very common condition – a number of effective home remedies have been developed over the course of decades and withstood the test of not only time, but also the advancement of western medicine to continue to be one of the most preferred treatment options. Lemon juice is considered to be a natural bleaching agent and you could try applying some of the juice on the affected area for about 15 minutes before you have your daily shower. Make sure that you also scrub the area during the shower in order to get rid of any dead skin cells that may cling onto the upper layers of your skin. You should notice a considerable improvement in the coloration of your nose within a few months. Another option would be to create a paste by mixing one tablespoon of yogurt and one teaspoon each of milk and gram flour with one pinch of turmeric, and apply it over your nose. You could alternatively also try mixing 1 teaspoon of cucumber juice, with another teaspoon of limejuice. Add a pinch of turmeric powder and apply it over your nose on a regular basis. Baking soda is considered to be another very effective natural treatment option when applied over the affected area.

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