How To Lower Elevated Liver Enzyme Count?

By Patricia | January 29, 2010

Suggest some tips to lower my liver enzyme count

High liver count, also known as elevated liver enzymes, may be indicative of liver diseases. Damage inflammation to the liver cells can cause the levels of the liver enzymes to rise. The liver is responsible for producing certain enzymes, the most common ones being aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT). When these enzyme levels increase, a greater amount is passed into the blood stream. High liver enzyme count is not always indicative of any severe damage to the liver and hence detecting and treating the condition early will prevent any further liver damage. The levels of the enzymes may fluctuate mildly for short durations of time.

There are several conditions that may lead to a high liver enzyme count. A diagnosis is usually made after examining the individual’s intake of medications, signs and symptoms experienced by the individual and certain tests and procedures. Medical conditions such as hepatitis A, B and C are often associated with high liver enzymes. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can also lead to this occurrence. High liver enzyme count may also be observed in some obese individuals. The intake of medications meant to alleviate pain and regulate cholesterol levels is also known to be linked to high levels of liver enzymes. Less common causes of this condition include liver cancer, an underactive thyroid gland, celiac disease and gall bladder inflammation. High liver enzyme count may also result due to alcoholic hepatitis. There are not many obvious symptoms of elevated liver enzymes. The only symptoms that may occur are jaundice and itching. Jaundice can lead to other high liver count symptoms such as yellowing of the eyes and skin, dark urine, weakness and fatigue.

In order to know how to lower liver count, proper diagnosis followed by the prescribed treatment is essential. It is not advisable to take any over-the-counter medications. Those who consume alcohol must discontinue the habit as this could aggravate the problem. Even after recovery, it is best to avoid alcohol or consume it in moderation. This is because the levels of high liver enzymes may again increase suddenly without warning. Obesity is also associated with this condition and hence an important step in treatment is to maintain a healthy diet and perform regular physical activity. Fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods must be avoided and protein should be obtained from vegetable sources. One must also get adequate sleep on a daily basis as this is necessary for repair and regeneration of damaged areas of the body.

Causes And Symptoms

A high level of liver enzymes occurs on account of a number of reasons. A high liver enzyme count does not necessarily translate to an increased production of enzymes in the liver. Instead, a high liver enzyme count is indicative of an increased presence of liver enzymes in the bloodstream. This tends to occur when the liver suffers from any kind of damage and its walls become perforated. The enzymes produced in the liver then tend to escape from the damaged walls of the liver and seep into the bloodstream. When liver enzymes seep into the bloodstream, one may experience a range of symptoms from minor discomfort to itchy skin. Another common symptom of a high liver enzyme count is dark colored urine despite consuming adequate water. An increase of liver enzymes in the blood can also be indicative of several serious disorders. For instance, high liver enzyme count could mean cirrhosis of the liver, fatty liver and sometimes hepatitis. You can try to care for an increased liver enzyme count at home but if you don’t respond to these treatments and your symptoms continue to persist, you should seek medical advice immediately. Your specialist will guide you through the required lab tests. This will help you determine the nature of the underlying problem (if any) that has resulted in liver damage and/or high liver enzyme count and the specific nature of its treatment. A high liver enzyme count is thus a fairly serious condition and should be treated at the earliest. A high liver enzyme count if left unattended can lead to serious disorders like cancer. It is therefore essential to care for your increased liver enzyme count immediately.


You can care for this condition at home by following a few simple restrictions or precautions and with the help of a few home remedies. This treatment should of course be carried out alongside medical help in severe cases. Firstly, ensure that your liver damage is not on account of a reaction to certain medications. Several common medications can lead to a high liver enzyme count. For instance, cardiovascular drugs, pain relief medications, drugs for lowering cholesterol and some anti-seizure medications can all lead to a high liver enzyme count. Secondly, you should take some necessary precautions if you are aware that you suffer from a high liver enzyme count. Avoid drinking alcohol and reduce your intake of caffeine to help lower liver enzyme levels in the body.

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