How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Pubic Hair Bumps

By Patricia | September 16, 2009

The journey to tending to your lady-garden or manscape might not be without its road ‘bumps’, literally! If you are noticing hair bumps and clusters that looks like dark pinpoints or a small tan, you most probably have ingrown hair caused by improper shaving or hair removal techniques or the result of too much dead skin cell debris accumulated in the hair follicle opening. Ingrown hair occurs in areas with coarse hair or constant growth, like the bikini area in women and the bearded areas for men. This condition is generally not medically harmful but some might experience scarring, skin infections, skin discoloration and very rarely keloid scar formations. And it does tend to look unsightly.

What is Ingrown Hair in Pubic Area?

Ingrown hair, also known as an in-growth, can be described as a reddish bump on the skin, which is quite painful. These in-growths occur mainly when the hair just breaks off, below the layer of the skin and begins to grow at a certain angle, to the side of the hair follicle.

They usually appear in clusters, mainly in those areas that are shaved often. While shaving is probably the most common factor that leads to the appearance of bumps in pubic area, there could be other hair removal techniques that also lead to ingrown pubic hair. Ingrown pubic hair is seen more commonly in men and women who have coarse, curly and thick hair in the pubic area. Moreover, this problem can occur in people of all races and colors. Not only is ingrown hair a constant source of embarrassment for most people, it can also be a very painful problem. This is probably why most people consult skin specialists for options on how to get rid of ingrown pubic hairs. However, apart from ingrown hair bumps treatment, most people should also look for ways and means to prevent hair bumps in pubic area.

Get rid of ingrown pubic hair bumps

Your best probable defense to get rid of these unwanted bumps is through preventive measures as well as home remedies to treat ingrown pubic hair bumps. Let’s look at some of these–

  • Proper shaving techniques – have a warm soak in a tub to soften the hair before beginning shaving. Trim the pubic hair with scissors, pulling the hair away from the body. Use a hypo-allergenic shaving cream but not before performing a patch test to check if you are allergic to the cream. Shaving of the pubic hair should be done by a single-blade razor as multi-blade razors shave too close to the skin. Begin the shaving procedure by stretching your skin with one hand and shaving the hair off in the direction of the growth.
  • Exfoliation – this helps to remove the dead cells trapped in the hair follicle openings. You can either use a synthetic sponge, a loofah or over the counter products available for exfoliation of the pubic area. Again, conduct a patch test on your forearm to rule out an allergic reaction before trying out any products.
  • Use of depilatories – Over the counter depilatories are available especially for pubic area. They work by dissolving the protein in the hair, which results in hair disintegration. Hair takes 2 to 3 weeks to grow back, with finer re-growth.
  • Clothing – Try and avoid wearing synthetic and tight fitting clothes as well as underpants to prevent abrasion and chafing, which causes the hair to move back into the hair follicle.
  • Hygiene and Maintenance of your pubic area – To avoid irritation after shaving, use aloe vera gel and witch hazel. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory as well as moisturizing properties and witch hazel helps to alleviate irritation and itching.
  • Apply some heat on the area that has been affected. This can be done with the help of a hot flannel compress applied to the skin, around three times a day. Soaking in a hot tub or taking a sauna bath is probably just as effective. The heat is important for opening up the pores, since it softens the skin to a great extent, thereby allowing the ingrown pubic hair to be drawn out.
  • Maintaining the skin, in the pubic area at all times, especially after hair removal. This is more important for those people who are prone to itchiness after waxing and shaving. The best way to relieve this itchiness is by applying witch hazel to the area. Aloe Vera, which has antiseptic properties, can also be used as a balm to relieve the itchiness, by moisturizing the skin.
  • The skin tends to get dry because of using hot water, scented soaps and talcum powder, which in turn could lead to the breakage of hair and therefore, ingrown hair. Therefore, it is best to apply some unscented lotion topically, after taking a bath, to keep the skin moist and supple.


When you use all these remedies, make sure that the applications do not touch the internal part of your genitals. And if you do opt for waxing or shaving the pubic area, you can apply a good amount of cocoa butter or shea butter to hydrate the skin after the hair removal. Also, make sure that you wear comfortable fitting pants and loose fitting undergarments. Tight undergarments and pants cause abrasion and chafing, resulting in turning the tiny hairs back in towards the hair follicle.

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