Effective Natural Cures for Gallstones

By Patricia | January 27, 2010


Gallstones are solid masses that form when the bile contains too much cholesterol or too much bilirubin without enough bile salts. Studies have shown that women between the ages of 20 and 60 are twice as likely to develop gallstones as compared to men. Obesity is one of the most common risk factors when it comes to developing gallstones, especially in women. Experts believe this comes down to the fact that obesity tends to reduce the amounts of bile salts in bile – causing the cholesterol to go up. Obesity is also known to slow down the efficiency of gallbladder emptying – thereby causing the development of gallstones. Excessive estrogen levels, which could easily be caused by pregnancy, birth control pills or even hormone replacement therapy – can also contribute to the development of gallstones.


Gallstones can be easily classified into two main types. The first one, cholesterol gallstones are formed when there is too much cholesterol content in the bile while the second type – pigment gallstones are the result of the formation of stones due to the presence of too much bilirubin. The second version of gallstones is more common in patients that are suffering from liver disease, blood disorders or sickle – cell anemia. In most cases, the gallbladders will not show up any symptoms at all. However, in some cases, it is likely that gallstones may lead to an inflamed gallbladder. Some other symptoms, if any are present, include a noticeable pain on the right side of the body – just below the ribs, nausea, vomiting, restlessness, vomiting and sweating.

Home Remedies And Treatment

Since gallstones are a very common condition, a number of easy yet effective home remedies have been developed over the years. In most cases, however, small changes in lifestyle can go a long way into reducing the impact the condition has on your daily routine. For example, cutting down on your intake of coffee is one of the most effective ways of preventing the development of gallstones. You should also try increasing your intake of nuts that contain unsaturated fats. Cut down on your consumption of calcium phosphates while also keeping yourself fit by exercising regularly. One of the most effective home remedy treatment option would be to drink apple juice for a period of two days and on the second night consume a mixture of 3 ounces of freshly squeezed lemon with three ounces of dark olive oil. A little bit of this concoction should be consumed every 15 to 20 minutes until you have finished the mixture. On the third day, your gallstones should be able to pass through your system with significant ease.

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