Home Remedies & Diet After Gallbladder Surgery

By Patricia | August 12, 2009

Diet After Gallbladder Surgery

There is no medical treatment for the indigestion problems that you are facing. The only way that you can stop the indigestion is by changing your diet. The reason for this is fat and oil metabolism in the human digestive system. To be more acquainted to a dietary change that is required, you need to understand the function of bile. Bile is a digestive aid that is created in the liver. Bile is created in the liver from the metabolism of red blood cells. It contains cholesterol, fatty acids, and bilirubin among other substances. The liver secretes this substance in a continuous flow and it collects in the gall bladder where it is then concentrated for better digestion. When a packet of food passes out of the stomach, bile is secreted to first neutralize the stomach acids and then to provide a medium for enzymes to work in. It is the most important medium needed for oil and fat metabolism, and breakdown. Without bile, fat would simply pass on through the gut and be excreted in the feces.

Gallstones Gallbladder Removal

Gallstones occur when there is too much cholesterol concentration in the bile – this is usually caused by a high animal fat intake in the food. These gallstones clog the gall bladder and the gall bladder will have to be removed. Once the gall bladder is removed, fat metabolism is never the same again, and one ends up not being able to metabolize fat, this leads to constant indigestion. Since bile is secreted in very low quantities, you have to desist from fatty foods and oil almost completely. This is a huge lifestyle change that you need to make to avoid the side effects of indigestion.

Home Remedies

There is no home remedy to correct this situation as the problem is caused by removing a body part. All you can do is to change your eating habits. The first task is to avoid eating huge quantities of food, but to rather space out your daily intake over several sessions of eating. This is because of the slow creation of bile by the liver, and this should be mirrored in you frequency of eating. Also, eat very light food that does not take a lot of effort to digest. Switching to a vegetarian diet would be the best for you, if possible. Otherwise, this is a condition that you will have to live with for the rest of your life, which means that as you are reacquainted with the changes in your digestion, you will start to eat accordingly.

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