Cartilage Connective Tissue Regeneration

By Patricia | February 1, 2010

Cartilage is a kind of tissue that is constituted of proteoglycans, collagens and non-collagenous proteins. They are present in the joints of the body, where the network of bones, ligaments, muscles and tendons require proper lubrication in order that normal body movements are made possible. Cartilage connective tissues also perform a cushioning function by absorbing external shocks and thereby protect the joints from injury and damage. A primary component of cartilage is water, which comprises roughly 85% of the total matter in these tissues, which makes it an efficient lubricant and shock absorber. However, as one grows older the level of fluids in cartilage dips to a significant degree due to natural wear and tear, and the body fails to replenish this loss. To some extent, the body tries to repair this damage on its own by producing what are known as fibrocartilage cells that fill up the sockets in the joints but do not quite restore normal ease of movement. Though cartilage tissues do not contain lymph cells, neurons or blood in them, their absence can lead to severe trouble in normal movements of body joints. It results in pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints that older people so frequently complain of.

Knee Cartilage Can Be Regenerate With Diet And Exercises

Even in younger people, degeneration of cartilage tissues can occur due to accidental injuries or premature onset of ailments like rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and avascular necrosis. Heredity and obesity are major predisposing factors in such cases. Diet and lifestyle also play a crucial role in such cases. The right kind of food and a proper exercise regime can help prevent degeneration of cartilage and related ailments. It is important that you eat a healthy, well balanced diet rich in proteins and minerals like calcium and potassium. Include whole grains, eggs and dairy products, nuts and soy products in your regular diet. If you have a family history of arthritis, you should also consume mineral supplements. Besides, set aside some time every day for physical exercise in order to keep your joints in good working condition. This also helps you keep a check on your weight and thereby reduces the rate of cartilage degeneration. Also, take care not to carry very heavy loads or sit in a wrong posture, as these may lead to cartilage damage too. There are a few new surgical procedures that may be useful in cartilage regeneration. One of the methods is to extract a sample of cartilage cells from the knee joints and make them multiply at a clinic, and then reintroduce them surgically into the damaged portion of the affected joint.

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