Grierson-Gopalan Syndrome: Remedies for Pinch And Needle Sensation In Feet

By Patricia | February 1, 2010

Named after the two scientists who were responsible for researching and medically cataloging the features of the condition, Grierson-Gopalan syndrome is a fairly common disorder in which the patient suffers from a burning sensation in his or her feet. It has been observed that diabetics who are older than 50 years are at the greatest risk of experiencing this condition. The characteristic symptoms of this ailment are a sensation of pressure on the feet, accompanied with a stinging sensation in the feet, especially in the soles. In a few rare cases, secondary symptoms like redness and swelling of the feet may also occur. Excessive sweating and irritation in the feet may also occur in some cases. It is necessary to seek professional medical advice in such cases rather than simply relying on natural remedies.

Remedies - Cotton Socks

However, alongside following the drugs that your doctor prescribes, you may also try a few simple remedies at home to reduce the intensity of the symptoms. Foot massages are useful in relieving the burning sensation in the feet. You may also apply cold compresses on the feet using a few cubes of ice wrapped in a soft towel. Alternatively, soak your feet for 10 minutes in chilled water to get temporary relief from the itching and burning sensation. Topical application of calamine lotion or calendula ointment also soothes the skin of the feet and reduces the stinging sensation. You may also mix two tablespoons of sandalwood powder with some rose water and apply this paste on your feet to treat the symptoms of this condition. Before going to bed, soak your feet in a solution of vinegar and water. This brings relief from the symptoms at night. Also, after taking a bath you should smear a little cornstarch powder on your feet. Consuming vitamin B12 supplements on a daily basis is also known to be of help in remedying the condition to some extent. In addition to these home remedies, you should also follow a few basic rules pertaining to personal hygiene in order to prevent the condition from worsening. Wear only soft cotton socks that fit you well and take them off as soon as they begin to feel damp with perspiration. You should also avoid wearing the same pair of shoes successively for more than two days. Quit smoking and drinking, as these tend to build up toxins in the body and thus intensify the symptoms.

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