Causes of Amenorrhea (Delayed Menstruation)

By Patricia | February 1, 2010


Delayed menstruation occurs when a woman has missed three monthly cycles of menstruation or if there has been no menstruation for over three months. Any delay in the menstrual period that is shorter, is probably just a common late period. This condition of delayed menstruation is called amenorrhea and can be influenced by a variety of reasons. A lack of nutrition that is a consequence of eating disorders may lead to amenorrhea. Malnutrition can also contribute to severe weight loss that also leads to delayed menstruation. Those who are overweight or suffer from thyroid malfunction may also be affected by amenorrhea. Other reasons for amenorrhea include diabetes, hormonal imbalances, irregular ovulation, use of oral contraceptives and depression. In very rare cases, the presence of cysts or tumors in the ovary may also lead to delayed menstruation. If you have ruled out the possibility of pregnancy and you have missed your period for three months or more, then you should seek treatment immediately. Since the nature of your treatment will depend upon the underlying causes for your amenorrhea, it is absolutely essential that you obtain a detailed diagnosis of your condition. While amenorrhea in some cases can be treated with dietary and lifestyle changes, it may require extensive medical intervention in more serious stages. You can prevent the occurrence of amenorrhea by taking a few simple precautions. For instance, one of the major causes for amenorrhea is excessive stress. By reducing your daily stress levels and by following a few relaxation techniques or exercises, you can prevent the occurrence of amenorrhea or help treat the condition. Ensure that your dietary intake is nutritious and healthy as malnutrition can lead to delay in menstruation. Another significant influence on your menstrual cycle is your daily physical activity. If you engage in vigorous physical activity everyday (sports, dance, physical training) it may lead to amenorrhea.

Natural Way To Delay Menstruation

If you wish to delay your period naturally, you should first consult your gynecologist about possible alternatives. Interfering with your natural cycle can have some significant physical consequences and you should be well informed before you start any kind of medication. A popular natural remedy for delaying your period is a tincture made from two parts of Ladies Mantle leaves and flowers, one part of Partridgeberry, two parts of Shepherd’s purse and three parts of Yarrow. This tincture can be taken at least four times a day and the recommended dosage is twenty to sixty drops every time.

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