Yoga Poses To Build Stamina

By Patricia | January 9, 2009
Yoga For Strength And Stamina

Which Yoga Pose Will Help Increase Stamina

All yoga practices are aimed at helping you increase your strength, stamina and flexibility. They are also aimed, eventually, at improving your overall health – physical, mental and emotional. There is no single asana (pose) or pranayama (breathing exercise) designed to specifically increase stamina. It is the heterogeneous blend of all prescribed practices that, over a period of time, show improvements in health, including an increase in strength, stamina and flexibility.

Yoga is the only holistic science and art of living, known to man, that has a complete set of techniques and practices aimed at improving overall health. In its wholeness, yoga is an eightfold path comprising:

  1. Yams (restraints)
  2. Niyamas (observances)
  3. Asana (yoga exercises and postures)
  4. Pranayama (breathing exercises)
  5. Pratyahara ( inward withdrawal of the senses)
  6. Dharana (concentration)
  7. Dhyana (meditation) and
  8. Samadhi (a state of super-consciousness)

While the first two steps consist of moral and ethical codes of conduct, steps 3 and 4 are aimed, specifically, at improving physical health and well being. The sixth and seventh steps (concentration and meditation) are also taught at a not too distant state to all Yoga practitioners, and are mainly aimed at mental and emotional health. So, all said and done, Yoga is a holistic way of life, that includes dietary and lifestyle recommendations, aimed at improving health, healing (psychosomatic) disorders such as sinusitis, asthma, diabetes, blood pressure, and arthritis among others, increasing strength, stamina and flexibility, reducing stress, increasing immunity and improving the practitioner’s concentration.

However, to avail of all – or any – of these benefits you will have to follow a prescribed regimen. It is best that you visit a reputed Yoga institute close to your place of work or residence and speak to the counselor. He or she will quiz you about your health condition – physical, mental and emotional – at that point of time, as well as certain queries about your past health and family health or history. The counselor will then, normally in consultation with a resident or visiting doctor, prescribe you a program of Yoga. This normally, includes as set of poses, breathing exercises, cleansing techniques, dietary instructions and meditative practices. For best results, it is recommended that you start your Yoga practices at the institute under the guidance of the Yoga instructor and continue practicing for a while until such time as both you and your instructor feel that you are confident enough to practice on your own. Normally, after a prescribed period, both you and the instructor will feel confident of self practice. If you follow all these instructions, you are bound to see great improvements in your overall health, levels of strength, stamina and flexibility.

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