Yoga Asanas Recommended During Pregnancy

By Patricia | January 15, 2009
How Yoga Benefits Pregnancy

Every individual woman reacts differently to pregnancy. In fact, the same woman may react differently to her another pregnancy. It is vital for you to consult your physician and your gynecologist before you embark upon any form of exercise or diet regime during pregnancy. If you decide to practice yoga, you should be careful to do so under the guidance of a trainer specially trained to guide pregnant students. A regular check up by your gynecologist is necessary in order to make sure that your method of yoga is suitable to you and your baby.

Other circumstances being normal, yoga is extremely helpful in having a healthy pregnancy and comfortable child birth. In fact, once you decide to have a baby, you may start the prescribed yoga exercises even before you become pregnant. A lot of physical, psychological and hormonal changes occur during pregnancy which you become aware of only when they happen. You may experience mood changes, swelling of your feet and ankles, breathlessness, an altered liking for various foods and such.

Over all good health, physical flexibility and a relaxed, happy mind goes a long way in ensuring a healthy pregnancy, easy labor and a healthy baby.

Yes. Strengthening your back with yoga would be of great help in easing your epidural and labor pain, and it would also help in reducing the labor period. The asanas recommended during pregnancy are to be performed a lot more gently and without excessive strain, pressure or stretching. Different types of asanas are recommended during the progressive stages of pregnancy. You must consult your yoga trainer to determine which of those would or would not be suitable for you.

Some of the recommended asanas are:

  • Vajrasana
  • Padmasana (Lotus Posture)
  • Titli Asana (Butterfly Posture)
  • Tadasana (Mountain Posture
  • Supta Udarakarshanasana
  • Kati Chakrasana
  • Kandharasana
  • Marjari Asana (Cat Posture)
  • Meru Akarshanasana
  • Namaskarasana
  • Sulabh Uttakatsana
  • Ardha Bhujangasana
  • Supta Udarakarshanasana
  • Supta Vajrasana
  • Baddha Konasana
  • Gaumukhi Asana (Cow Face Posture)

Some recommended pranayamas (breath regulating exercises) which are extremely beneficial are: Anuloma Viloma and Ujjayi, whereas kapal bhati is contra indicated. By regulating your circulatory system, pranayama helps in increasing the supply of oxygen not only in your body, but also in your baby’s body.

And finally, meditation is always beneficial not only for you, but also for your baby. Some forms of yoga and yoga asanas are contra-indicated during pregnancy. Hot yoga is often not recommended by doctors. The asanas to be avoided are: Marichyasana, Janu Sirshasana, Garbha Pindasana, Utthita Parsvakonasana, Ardha baddha Padottanasana, Utthita Trikonasana, Kurmasana (tortoise posture), supta Kurmasana (supine tortoise posture) and others. Interestingly, Shavasana is recommended by some and contra indicated by others.

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