Temporomandibular Joint Disease – Jaw Exercises And Stretches

By Patricia | January 20, 2010

The joint between the head of the lower jawbone and the temporal bone, is one of the reasons for jaw pain, which is medically known as the temporomandibular joint or TMJ. The TMJ is located at the corner of the jaw and any disorder that results to this joint causes sounds of popping or clicking with intense pain, trouble in opening or closing the mouth, headaches or aches localized in the middle or inner ear.

In order to locate the exact pain point in the TMJ, press a finger on the fleshy part at the front of the ear that is triangular-shaped and try to open and close your mouth. The finger pressed on the bone is known as the TMJ. During any given day, when an individual talks, chews food, yawns, drinks or makes faces it is that particular joint that is utilized. Overutilization of the TMJ joint is one of the reasons that can cause it to become sore.

The TMJ works as a hinge joint similar to the elbow or the knee and performs functions when the mouth is opened and closed. It is also useful in the sliding movement when the jaw is jut forward; there is a particular disc in the TMJ that works like the vertebra in the spine and helps to cushion the joint while facilitating smooth movement. A very tough tissue that is believed to be stronger than cartilage covers the bony surfaces on each side of the joint. The entire movement and build of the joint is well adapted for the daily toll it takes. Sometimes the toll is too much for the joint to adapt and can result in disorders of the joint.

Tmj Jaw Exercises And Stretches

Doctors usually recommend a change in certain behavioral habits in order to lessen the pressure on the joint and may also prescribe anti-inflammatory medications. Certain home remedies such as warm compresses, mild stretching, gentle massage and muscle relaxation techniques can prove to be useful in easing the pain and discomfort of the TMJ. Try eating soft foods and discontinue certain chewing habits that you might have. Make a point to consciously relax your facial and jaw muscles and heed your doctor’s advice in following specific therapy techniques including stretching and strengthening exercises.

It is advisable to seek a specialist for TMJ disorders including dental practitioners, oral experts or ENT doctors. Most TMJ disorders tend to resolve in a few weeks, depending on the kind of treatment and measures that you take to deal with the issue.

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