Cardio For Losing Belly Fat and Unwanted Pounds

By Patricia | November 20, 2008
Cardio Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat

Cardio is short for cardiovascular. Cardiovascular endurance training, or cardio as it is more popularly known, refers to any activity such as running, swimming, cycling, which elevates the heart rate for a prolonged period of time. Cardio exercises are one of the best methods of improving you stamina and endurance, and losing fat. Regular cardio when combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle also ensures that you will have a healthy heart.

How To Start With Cardio

Starting out on cardio can be as simple as putting on your running shoes and going for a run. If running is not your thing, there are many other options including swimming, cycling, aerobics, elliptical trainers, Stair masters, and spinning, to name a few. However, if you have not been exercising regularly, or have a medical condition, do consult your doctor before undertaking any form of cardio. Another thing to keep in mind is to start out slowly and slowly increase the intensity or duration as your stamina improves. Too many people overdo it in their initial enthusiasm and end up with injuries.

What Is The Best Way To Lose Belly Fat

Cardio is one of the best ways to lose belly fat and those unwanted pounds. Any form of cardio, be it outdoors or indoors, if performed regularly will help you burn calories. If you really want to get rid of belly fat, try a cardio technique known as interval training. This is an intensive form of cardio that is performed for short intervals of time. It will make you sweat, and send your heart rate soaring, but you will lose weight like never before. However, interval training should only be attempted by those who have already been exercising for some time, as it is an extremely strenuous cardio technique.

Cardio alone may not be enough to lose belly fat if you are eating an unhealthy diet. If you eat ten cheeseburgers after sweating at the gym for half an hour, you will not lose any weight. A healthy diet in tandem with regular exercise is the best formula for weight loss. Ensure that your meals contain food from all the major food groups. Try to eat smaller portions of food. All too often, we end up eating more than we need! Take the time to chew the food properly. Try to eat five to six meals in a day, instead of the traditional three. This will ensure that your metabolic rate is increased, so that your body will become more efficient at burning fat.

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