Feel Refreshed And Re-Energized With Cool Down Yoga

By Patricia | February 5, 2009
How To Cool Down After Yoga

As with all exercise routines, a yoga routine can be broken down in three phases: a warm up period, cardiovascular phase, and a cool down period. All the three are very important and must be done correctly for gaining maximum benefit from the exercise. Popularly, the first two phases are considered important. The cool down phase is often neglected, due to its unapparent nature of its benefits. However the cool down period is very important as it focuses on stretching exercises which soothe sore muscles, increase the stretch capacity of the fascia for muscle building, and cool down the body by lowering the heart rate.

In yoga, where importance is given not just too performing asanas or poses, equal emphasis is laid on the breath. Asanas are done in harmony with pranayama or breathing techniques. This helps in revitalizing the prana or the life force in the body.

It is popularly believed in the west that that yoga is a slow process and is not effective as a cardiovascular exercise and muscle building. This however is far from true. Yoga is very effective in raising heart rate levels and helping build muscle mass. And if it is so, then how can one not focus on cooling down post a yoga session, which is an absolute must in any other exercise routines which involve cardio and strength training.

The cool down period in yoga focuses mainly on stretching exercises, breathing exercises and yoga nidra or yogic sleep. Stretching exercises included postures like bridge life, knee to chest pose, half lotus pose, hamstring and glute stretches amongst the many others. Each pose can be performed at least 3–5 times and should be held in the stretched position for about 30 seconds. Breathing exercises such as anulom vilom focus on lowering the heart rate, cooling down the body and refreshing the mind, by supplying the body with plenty of oxygen. Yoga Nidra or Yogic Sleep focuses on watching the breath and paying attention to each body part individually and creating thought patterns that nurture emotional well being. After a cool down session, one must feel refreshed and re-energized. If not so, then you are definitely not cooling down the right way. Get your trainer to assist you, read a good book on yoga, or just look it up the internet. But cool down correctly. It is as important as doing the other phases.

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