Home Remedies For Treating Wound Infections

By Patricia | April 8, 2010

It is important that wounds be treated early so that an infection does not develop. However if open wound infections occur, immediate treatment is required to prevent spread of the infection and other complications such as passage of the infection into the bloodstream and extensive tissue death. There are several ways by which a wound can be handled so that the infection is contained.

Signs Of Wound Infection

Firstly, the wound must be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water. Cleanliness of the wound site must be maintained throughout the healing process. If the wound is too deep, then professional medical help is needed wherein the wound can be irrigated and medication can be administered to prevent infection. If it is a puncture wound, a tetanus shot may be required. In case of animal bites, confirmation that the animal has received rabies vaccination is required. If documentation on this matter is not available, certain steps may need to be taken to prevent the occurrence of rabies. Symptoms of an infection include swelling, warmth and discoloration around the area of the wound. In some cases, a foul smelling colored discharge may also seep out from the wound. Warm compresses are effective in drawing out the discharge and infected material. The wound must also be cleaned properly twice a day. If the infection is mild and starts to improve after some time, then treatment can be continued at home itself. However, if the individual experiences a fever and the infection seems to be spreading, then medical attention is necessary. Signs of a spreading infection also include discolored rays around the wound. In these cases, the doctor needs to irrigate and drain the wound completely. Medications may also be prescribed in order to destroy the microorganisms that may still be present in the wound.

Wound Infection And Prevention

Individuals with weakened immune systems are particularly at risk for complications due to infected wounds. Such individuals must seek immediate medical help when the first signs of infection develop. A home remedy for wound infection is turmeric which possesses antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Turmeric may be applied directly to the wound and left on for an hour after covering with a bandage. Honey is also a very beneficial remedy for wounds. Applying a few drops of honey to the wound helps to promote healing. A solution of garlic juice and water may also be applied to a wound. Ginger is known to be effective in treatment for pus formation and as such helps to alleviate discomfort and pain.

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