Black Eye Treatment And Remedies

By Patricia | October 9, 2009

A black eye, also commonly known as a ‘shiner’, is a noticeable amount of bruising around the eye and is usually a sign of an injury to the face, rather than the actual eye. The problem with a black eye is that, besides taking quite a while to heal completely, it can be quite a social embarrassment for any male.

Given that it is generally a sign of being on the losing side in a physical battle – irrespective of what actually happened in the bout, it tends to greatly diminish the ‘alpha male’ quotient of the man or boy. The color of the damage will be caused by the injury to the tissue under the skin, without the skin breaking. The damaged blood vessels will let some blood drain into this region and seep into the skin. This generally leads to a very prominent swelling and discoloration of the skin. The lack of vitamin C in a person’s system can also cause a person to bruise extremely easily and can, at times, occur without any evidence of trauma. To help fortify your husband’s body and protect it against bruising and damage to the blood vessels and tissues, encourage him to indulge in fresh fruits and vegetables as, without these essential vitamins and minerals, the blood vessels become thin, weak and extremely prone to rupture.

Black Eye Head Injury Remedy And Treatment

Here are a few tips that will help take care of a black eye with great effect:

  • The application of a cold pack to your eye will do wonders as it will help bring down the swelling as well as lighten the darkness that is caused by the injury.
  • Some traditional Asian medicines make use of the healing qualities of papaya and pineapple to help heal the prominence of a black eye. Both of these fruits contain anti-oxidants that will improve circulation and prevent blood coagulation in the traumatize area.
  • Soaking a couple of pads with some hazel and placing them on the entire affected area will not only decrease the pain, but also help the injury heal much faster.
  • If the black eye was caused by a severe blow to the back of a persons head, the simple act of blowing your nose could significantly increase the inflammation as there is a possibility that the injury had fractured the bone of the eye sockets. The air being forcefully exhaled from the nose could pass through the sinus adjacent to the damaged socket, causing the air to inject under the skin and cause the eyelids to swell even more.
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