Home Remedy For Diarrhea & Vomiting During Pregnancy

By Patricia | October 13, 2009

Vomiting is a very common, uncomfortable side effect during early pregnancy. Along with vomiting and nausea, diarrhea is also very common during a pregnancy and can be extremely annoying. Diarrhea is caused by external factors, such as the food that one eats or the liquids that one consumes. An increase in water intake or foods that have a high water content (fruits and vegetables), could also cause diarrhea. Since your body is now getting a lot of water, it starts cleaning the system and flushes out extra toxins. This is very common reason that could cause diarrhea. There could be several other causes as well, namely, food poisoning and stomach infections.


You could try few of these remedies to get some amount of relief. For vomiting or nausea: add a dash of cardamom powder to a glass of lime juice and have this once or twice a day. Take 3-4 cloves and powder them, add this powder to a glass of water and keep it aside for about half an hour. Strain well and then drink as and when you require. Try and limit yourself to small snacks throughout the day rather that full heavy meals. In fact having a few crackers and plain water before getting out of bed, could help to get rid of morning sickness to considerable extent. Tea prepared with ginger will work well too. Add a ginger root to the boiling water while preparing tea, once the water boils, strain out the ginger root and drink the tea while it is still hot. You could also choose to add a little bit of honey to this tea to enhance its taste.

Remedies And Treatment

To combat diarrhea: mash a ripe banana in a bowl. Add 1 teaspoon of tamarind pulp and sprinkle a little salt. Mix all the ingredients well and have it twice a day. Make a paste of 15-20 curry leaves, add 1 teaspoon of honey and mix it well. Eat this 1-2 times a day; it should help improve your condition.

Furthermore a mixture made from an equal proportion of honey and date paste, is known to be useful if had 3-4 times a day. Don’t forget to drink enough water as you may get dehydrated. Diarrhea normally lasts for a few days during a pregnancy. If it lasts for longer and the symptoms do not recede, it could be the sign of something serious. In such a situation, I would suggest that you consult your doctor immediately.

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