Treatment Options For Painful Cyst On Toe

By Patricia | February 15, 2010

There is a bright and red color cyst on one of my toes, what types tof reatment available for cyst to minimize pain?

Cysts, on any part of the human body can not only be rather unpleasant to look at, but also extremely painful. Cysts are pockets of fluid that closely resemble a blister and contain either liquid, gaseous or semi solid substances. These eruptions can vary significantly in size and also vary in intensity. Given the fact that the feet play such a significant role in our daily lives the presence of a cyst can have a rather debilitating effect on our schedule. Medical studies have shown that a cyst is not a part of the normal tissue, but has a distinct membrane as well as division on the nearby tissues. Cysts can be caused by a number of factors including infections and cell form defects. Another reason would be a blockage of the ducts in the body that cause a buildup of fluid in the affected area. Even an injury that causes a break in the vessel or certain chronic inflammatory conditions can result in a cyst. While most cysts are benign, some may even progress into tumors that could be potentially malignant. When it comes to the feet, it is very common for a cyst to develop on the toes, just behind the toenail. If you were to attempt to puncture these cysts, you are likely to notice the drainage of some thick gelatinous fluid. Mucoid cysts will often form on the top of the toe and be noticeably inflamed. The root of these cysts are usually in the underlying joints and could either be manually punctured with the help of a sterilized needle or with the help of a surgery.

Cyst Treatment Options

The kind of treatment options available when dealing with a toe cyst will depend largely on the kind of cyst it is as well as the severity of the problem. Some of the more severe growths may even require a surgery to be removed. The best treatment through natural methods would be to help the boil to ripen to an extent where it bursts and drains out either on its own, or with some manual help. In order to help ripen it along, you should try applying a small amount of garlic or onion over the cyst. Once it has ripened, burst it with the help of a sterilized needle to avoid any infection. In order to reduce the pain caused by the growth you could also try placing the affected toe in a bowl of warm salt water for a significant period of time.

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