Herpes And Boils: Causes & Home Remedies

By Patricia | February 15, 2010

Boils are an indication that your body is battling an infection at that specific zone. This is a rather common occurrence on human skin and must be treated so that it does not get worse. Most boils are caused because of some kind of infection and this can be confirmed if the boils look more like pimples and have a white-yellow discharge within them. If your boils are red, then you might have another kind of problem. Note that if the boils are extremely painful and are in your genital area or on your mouth then you should consider the possibility that you have herpes or the cold sores. These are infections that can occur especially if you had chicken pox at some time in your life. It is also worth noting that if you have never experienced measles then the boils could be because of that.

Measles And Herpes Infection - Treatment

Measles and herpes cannot really be cured though herpes infections can be controlled to a large extent by the use of acyclovir and valacyclovir antiviral drugs, and topical creams. Tea tree oil can also work just as well topically. The infection itself will have to run its course of a week or two before you are completely fine. A regular case of the boils can be solved by a variety of treatments, but antibiotic creams are usually the best in this case. Do not make the mistake of applying creams like hydrocortisone and betamethasone. These are corticosteroid creams that are used for allergic reactions and to control inflammation by suppressing the immune system. Using these during a bacterial infection will only make the bacterial infection get worse. The ideal creams that you can use are tetracycline and neomycin.

Home Remedy For Herpes And Boils - Garlic

You can take the home remedy route for this problem as well by simply crushing some garlic and mixing it with tea tree oil. Apply this mixture on the affected area of your skin. Consuming increased amounts of garlic will have the same effect of an oral antibiotic. This is a better way of dealing with infections than popping antibiotic pills that bacteria in your body could end up getting used to. Also consider other alternatives like bathing with soaps that contain Triclosan or any other antibacterial soap. Remember that you need to keep the area dry and clean to ensure that this problem doesn’t happen again. Wear loose airy clothing to allow your skin to breathe as well.

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