Symptoms and Treatment for Jaundice

By Patricia | July 28, 2009

What Is connection between bilirubin and jaundice?What yellowish hands and feet does signify?

The most likely cause for your yellow hands and feet is because of an increase in the levels of a substance called bilirubin in your blood. The reason for this condition is a broken down liver that is a condition that is also known as hepatitis or an inflamed liver. Incidentally, your condition is called jaundice, which is typified by yellowing of the mucus membranes and results in an overall yellow appearance most noticeable in the eyes. Hepatitis is what causes jaundice to occur and the causes of hepatitis can be the hepatitis virus in its myriad variants A, B, C, D, and E. The cytomegalovirus from the herpes simplex family and others can also cause hepatitis. These are usually transmitted by ingesting contaminated food or drink, sexual transmission, and infected blood. Yellow fever also used to give symptoms of jaundice but this disease has now been eradicated from the earth.


Jaundice causes due the improper excretion of the waste products from red blood cell destruction. Red blood cells are made at a rate of two million every second in the bone marrow and when the time comes for their disposal, they are marked by phagocyte cells and destroyed in the spleen. The resulting compounds are iron and biliverdin, which is further broken down to bilirubin. The liver normally absorbs this from the blood plasma and converts it into bile, which is then used in the digestive system to finally be recycled or excreted in feces. When the liver is inflamed, this process cannot occur. While viruses play a major role in hepatitis, the liver can also stop functioning properly because of the use of certain drugs, excessive heavy metals being ingested in the system, alcohol, and direct trauma to the liver.


Curing this condition using a home remedy is not very effective and there is not much evidence of alternative remedies being useful for the condition. Additionally, the liver is one of the only organs that can regenerate itself so there is little that needs to be done except to avoid overloading the liver and taking a lot of rest – sometimes for around 3 to 4 weeks, if possible. Fat, oil and spice should be eliminated from the diet. Only carbohydrates and plant proteins are allowed. No seasonings except salt should be consumed. It is also important that the bilirubin in the blood is removed by urination as this is the only mechanism available during a jaundice episode.

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