Symptoms Of Fever Blisters : How to Get Rid of Fever Blisters

By Patricia | July 27, 2009

Fever blisters are a result of a herpes infection. Not only is this dangerous for you, when you get blisters, this would be the most contagious moment for people around you too. You need to ensure that the blisters are not broken and that you confine yourself away from human contact, specifically touch. There is no remedy for treating herpes, the infection itself is deep in the body and even once the fever and immediate problem subsides, the virus will never leave your body. The herpes simplex virus achieves this non-detection by hiding in the central nervous system in a dormant state only to reappear later to infect again.


The herpes virus causes diseases like cold sores – which affect the mouth, chicken pox – which affects the whole body with sores, shingles – which affect areas of the torso but can also affect the neck and face, and infections caused by the cytomegalovirus. Most herpes infections start with a fever that refuses to die down sometimes lasting an entire week with a tingling and burning sensation at the area where blisters will form. When the blisters do form, this is the most infectious stage called the viral shedding stage. In virus’ life cycle, after it has infected a host cell and used the contents of the cell to replicate, it is then time to leave the host cell by destroying the host cell and moving out of the cell membrane. This is when the infectious virus comes out of the body and is ready to infect someone else. Generally, people who suffer one herpes infection are prone to another sort of infection as is the case in chicken pox. This is a disease that one can get during childhood and recover from it, if properly treated; however, the virus does not die and remains in a dormant state in the neurons of the central nervous system. Many years later some kind of hormonal trigger like, menstruation in women can reactivate the virus and it starts a herpes episode all over again. Once one form of infection occurs, the same type of infection will not happen again.


The only way that you can get rid of these blisters is to apply tea tree oil in a cream to the area. This will surely kill off the virus within the blister and the hope is that with the death of the pathogen, the nerves will also relax. However, this is an extrapolation that needs to be confirmed by a doctor.

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