Sun Blisters On Lips And Feet: Treatment & Home Remedies

By Patricia | September 14, 2009

Sun blisters appearing on the lips are a very rare occurrence and you need to get your condition checked by a medical professional, as this could turn out to be a possible case of oral herpes. Sun blisters occur when you have been out in the sun for periods that range from 10 minutes to a few hours. This exposure’s potential in causing blisters is greatly tempered by the amount of melanin in your body contains. However, if it is indeed the odd case of sun blisters on the lip then you do not have to worry, as these are quite harmless and will go away in due course of time.


A blister is a serous filled path of skin. The liquid inside the blister is called serum and is a clear salt and electrolyte filled liquid that is secreted by the skin to protect it from further damage. This type of injury is usually associated with friction-based trauma in areas like the foot. This condition is also commonly known as a shoe bite. This condition usually happens when you use a new pair of ill-fitting shoes for an extended, continuous period of time without breaking in the shoes. If this type of blister is not attended to and the skin trauma is not reduced, then blister will eventually form a callus that is hardened dead skin. This formation will eventually go away with time and reduction of trauma. To treat a blister of any kind, all that one has to do is to wait for the swelling to reduce and the fluid to be reabsorbed. The biggest fear in these kinds of injuries is that the blister will break and then infectious organisms can move in to the site of injury. This fear is especially strong when the blister is on the foot where a fungus infection can often happen since the foot is always in a moist and warm environment – ideal for the germination of fungi. The constant application of tea tree oil or a cream with tea tree oil in it will ensure that this does not happen. Needless to say, avoiding further repetitive trauma is also required.

Cold Sores Home Remedies

Herpes that attacks the oral cavity is also called cold sores. This infection could have come to you from either being in contact with someone who did have the infection or from a case of chicken pox that you might have had as a child. This is a viral infection and can start with a case of chicken pox acquired through droplet infection, progressing to the virus lying dormant in the nerve cells, and then getting reactivated and attacking the oral cavity. You would need a course of antiviral treatment and tea tree oil to deal with the blisters that form.

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