Remedies to Cure Ingrown Hair

By Patricia | December 2, 2009

Ingrown hair is a condition wherein the hair curls into the skin or grows sideways, into the skin. Breakage is the main cause for ingrown hair. It is a common response to shaving as the hair tends to break mid-way while shaving. Tight clothing and friction can also be responsible for the breakage of hair. Ingrown hair can be a result of blocked pores an excessive buildup of dead skin cells that do not allow the hair to grow freely from the follicles, forcing it to grow back into the skin itself. Symptoms of ingrown hair include small black bumps on the skin, soreness, itchiness, rash and infection and pus just below the skin.

Home Remedies

There are a number of easy to follow steps that help in getting rid of ingrown hair. Tight clothing should be avoided as they cause breakage of hair, leading to ingrowths. Applying a warm, moist towel to the thigh will help in softening the skin and will bring the ingrown hair closer to the surface. Following the warm towel treatment, using a sponge to gently rub the area will help in releasing the hair stuck within the skin. A pumice stone is also known to be beneficial in the removal of ingrown hair. Gently massaging the affected areas on the thighs with circular movements of the pumice stone helps in reducing ingrown hair and is also known to reduce the further growth of hair in the area if undertaken regularly.

Rubbing the affected area with a mixture of oatmeal, lemon juice and honey will help in getting rid of the ugly ingrown hair patch. The oatmeal helps in the removal of the dead skin cells that tend to clog the pores causing the hair to grow awkwardly. Lemon juice, due to its natural bleaching properties, will assist in lightening any discoloration of the skin that may accompany the ingrown hair and honey, due to its anti-microbial and anti-septic properties will deal with any infection that may be present. A body scrub made with honey and sugar granules, rubbed lightly over the affected area is also recommended for the treatment of ingrown hair. To reduce the itchiness that accompanies ingrown hair, applying a mixture of cucumber juice and milk in equal proportions is said to ease the irritation and discomfort. Applying a liberal layer of aloe gel to the area, after washing it with thoroughly with a mild anti-septic wash, will also help in reducing the inflammation and itching.

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