Causes and Treatment for Tongue Thrush

By Patricia | November 24, 2009

Causes Of Tongue Thrush And Infection

Oral thrush is a problem that occurs in young children or people with some kind of a compromised immune system. This is because the causative organism for thrush is a fungus called candida. This fungus exists on every person’s body in the world and even in areas like the vagina and the gut. However, they are kept in check by a healthy immune system and the presence of useful bacteria that compete with the fungus. There is another possible reason for this disease and that is not cleaning the tongue or maintaining bad oral hygiene. Treating the condition is rather simple and requires just a few things from your kitchen and local drug store.

The candida fungus that is responsible for oral thrush is also responsible for another ailment in the vagina called candidiasis. Candida fungi are yeast so the most common term used to describe this condition is a vaginal yeast infection. Again, this is a problem that is completely treatable except if you are immune compromised by a disease like diabetes in which case the infection can end up in necrosis of the tissue. Necrosis is a condition in which the cells of the body die abnormally usually because some infectious agent has been feeding on the contents of the cells. Thrush is caused by not cleaning your tongue properly because when the tongue is left on its own, food debris can cause other bacteria to multiply in the mouth. The human mouth is one of the most bacteria ridden zones in the body but a balance is maintained by one type of bacteria called lactobacillus. These bacteria produce a peroxide environment that is toxic to other bacteria and fungi. When the populations of lactobacillus are compromised, then fungal infections can take root. Dealing with a thrush infection is rather simple. All you need to do is take an antifungal. This can be in the form of medications like metronidazole, ketoconazole, and greisofulvin. Apart from this, gentian violet paint can be applied to the mouth to kill off the fungus. The fungus will create a white coating and in severe cases, mushroom like structures as well.


On the home remedy front, all you need to fight this is garlic and hydrogen peroxide. Eat at least a whole bulb of garlic everyday as an addition to your diet. This is an antimicrobial useful against bacteria and fungi. Next, use some hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash. Finally, before you go to bed, paint the inside of your mouth with some garlic oil. You should be rid of this problem in a week.

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