Causes and Treatment for Low Sperm Count

By Patricia | November 2, 2009

Causes Of Low Sperm Count

A low sperm count is a complicated problem that would require the help of medical professional. This is because a low sperm count may not just be a problem of few sperm being produced in the testes but could also be a problem of problematic ejaculation, as is the case in an ejaculation and retrograde ejaculation. There may also be problems with the prostrate, which is the organ that is responsible for the final preparation and transportation of sperm. If you are experiencing any problems while ejaculating like an abnormally low amount of ejaculate, or when you urinate you have a sperm like fluid in your urine, then there is a problem with your ejaculation, and you may have retrograde ejaculation. If you ejaculate fine but the color of the ejaculate is more of a clear fluid than white fluid, this could be an indication that something is wrong in the testes that are responsible for sperm production.

Sperm production in the testes is a process called spermatogenesis. In this process, sperm are produced from tiny single cells to form living, motile beings replete with a tail for swimming to an ovum for fertilization. The process of spermatogenesis is a delicate one in which the right quantity of hormones, the right temperature, and nutritional balance is required. It is also important to stay away from substances that can interfere with the process like alcohol. Testosterone is one of the main ingredients in the process required to make sperm and is produced in the interstitial tissue of the testes called the Leydig cells. This is then concentrated by androgen binding proteins in the sertoli cells or sperm nursery to help mature the sperm before they are released. A doctor would be able to identify the exact are of the problem in a low sperm count situation and this is crucial to solving the problem.


Temperature is a curious factor of spermatogenesis. Sperms cannot survive the normal body temperature and should ideally be two degrees lower than the body temperature, which is controlled by movement of the testicles at times and by circulation. On your part, you have to ensure that your testicles are not in a position where they cannot ventilate. This means that long periods of sitting down will just trap heat. The same rule applies when it comes to wearing tight clothing and underwear. There are specific vitamins required for spermatogenesis. These are vitamin A, B, and E. These can be acquired in the right quantities from a good intake of dairy and seafood.

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