Inducing Ovulation through Acupressure

Submitted by Kashif on November 28, 2012

Acupressure, a form of healing that is derived from acupuncture, is an ancient form of traditional Chinese medicine. The theory behind acupressure is that life force energy or “qi” flows through pathways or meridians in the body. Any blockage of these meridians results in a disruption in the flow of this energy and results in diseases.


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Acupressure utilizes pressure applied on specific points along the meridians to release the blockages and allow the smooth flow of energy throughout the body. This helps to provide relief from the symptoms such as pain and helps to balance the internal organs thereby improving health.

One application of acupressure is in the treatment of infertility by inducing ovulation.

This is done by applying pressure on specific points to induce ovulation as well as to relieve symptoms such as pain and bloating that are usually associated with ovulation.

Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of a woman’s menstrual cycle. A mature egg or ovum is released from the ovary from where it travels towards the uterus through the fallopian tubes. The egg has to then be fertilized by sperm for pregnancy to occur. Many factors such as stress, hormonal imbalances and emotional upheavals can disrupt the process of ovulation and result in infertility.

There are several acupressure points that can help start the process of ovulation by stimulating the release of hormones. Other points help lessen undesirable symptoms associated with ovulating. For example, the point Spleen 6 that is located approximately 3 inches above the inner ankle bone can help stimulate ovulation and reduce pain and cramping. The point Liver 3 located between the big toe and the second toe can help stimulate ovulation and can reduce breast tenderness while also having a calming effect. Spleen 9 located approximately 3 inches below the inside of your knee can help reduce bloating associated with ovulation.

Here are some tips that will be useful while trying acupressure:

  • Apply pressure using your thumb or forefinger on each acupressure point.
  • Apply enough pressure so that you feel a slight tenderness or a mild ache in the area.
  • The pressure on each point should be applied from about 30 seconds to up to five minutes. It is better to start with a shorter period of time and gradually increase it.
  • You should practice deep breathing while applying pressure as it will stimulate blood flow and increase oxygen supply to the acupressure point.

A few words of warning:

  • Consult a doctor before trying acupressure. Proceed only once you have his approval.
  • Do not use acupressure as a substitute for medical treatment.
  • Consult a licensed practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine who can instruct you in the precise location of the pressure points as well as the technique.
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