Preventing Flatulence Using Natural Remedies

By Patricia | December 23, 2009

Flatulence is referred to as the emission of gases that are present in the intestine. This mixture of gases also known as ‘flatus’ is usually released under pressure and is accompanied by the sound as well as a foul smelling odor. In addition to causing discomfort and pain as a result of bloating, it is also considered to be a social annoyance.

A sensation of bloating and discomfort, excessive expulsion of wind, belching and pain in the abdominal are some of the most common symptoms that associated with the condition of flatulence or what is generally referred to as gas. Flatulence is a condition that is commonly experienced by a majority of people. It is usually caused due to dietary factors.

Natural Remedies

Difficulties in digesting particular types of food are likely to lead to this condition. It is possible, that in the case of some individuals, lactose intolerance may be responsible for this condition; however, many others are affected by it due to the excessive consumption of grain based foods. There are also a substantial percentage of people who suffer from the symptoms of flatulence due to their high consumption of carbohydrates. This condition is not considered to be a serious one and can be usually cured by several natural home remedies.

To begin with, it is important to remember the essential rules of eating as this is the natural and the most effective way to treat the condition of flatulence. It is highly advisable to eat slowly and ensure that you chew the food thoroughly. As far as possible you should avoid gulping food, during meal or snack times. This is and generally considered to be the most effective way to resolve this condition.

You can also opt to consume a solution prepared by adding half a teaspoon of dry ginger powder to a warm cup of water with a pinch of asafetida and rock salt. Drinking this solution is beneficial in providing relief from the symptoms of flatulence. Ginger can also be consumed directly in the form of freshly sliced ginger soaked in some freshly squeezed lemon juice. A regular intake of lemon-infused-ginger prior to going to bed is known to be effective in curing this condition.

Peppermint is another substance which is believed to be effective in the treatment of flatulence. Not only is it useful in curing the condition of flatulence but it also ensures that your breath smells fresh at all times. It is highly recommended to avoid foods which are responsible for promoting the production of gases such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and beans. Carbonated drinks should also be avoided for the same reasons.

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