Home Remedies and Treatment For Chapped Lip

By Patricia | December 1, 2009

One of the biggest worries while working or playing outdoors during winter is to endure chapped lips. Every year, a lot of money is spent on commercial products that claim to heal chapped lips, especially during the winter months. In most cases, chapped lips are avoidable – with a few changes to your daily regimen.

Use of Vitamin E

One of the best remedy in order to prevent chapped lips during winter is to increase vitamin E intake. You can do this by including foods that are rich in vitamin E in your diet or by consuming a Vitamin E oil capsule daily. It is believed that this skin friendly vitamin helps to keep the skin smooth and make it less vulnerable to wind and cold exposure. In addition to this, you can also break open a capsule and smear this oil on your lips before you go to bed and once you get up in the morning.

Aloe Vera Gel For Chapped Lips

The fresh gel of the aloe plant is also believed to be an excellent remedy for chapped lips during winter and hence it is recommended that you apply fresh aloe gel onto your lips. Aloe vera gel contains healing properties and protects the skin from further damage. Some medicated lip balms that contain cocoa butter or beeswax is also useful in treating chapped lips. However, keep away from flavored and chemically enhanced lip balms as chemical ingredients in them could irritate the lips and cause further damage. Moreover flavored lip balms encourage frequent licking of lips that could increase the intensity of chapping.

Doctors believe that taking multivitamin supplements daily can help in preventing chapped lips, as a repetitive condition of chapped lips is sometimes caused by a nutritional deficiency. Nutritionists are of the opinion that foods rich in calcium and magnesium are beneficial for skin health. Incorporate calcium rich foods such as dairy products, fish and beans. Also add flaxseed oil to your diet in addition to almonds, tofu, whole grains, freshly leafy vegetables, fresh fruits and legumes. It is believed that a balanced diet can help in preventing skin conditions including chapped lips. It is also recommended that you drink approximately seven to eight glasses of water every day in order to prevent dehydration that is often the cause for chapped lips. As far as possible, avoid caffeinated beverages and alcoholic drinks that are believed to be major skin dehydrators.

Petroleum Jelly And Cocoa Butter

Breathing with an open mouth is also a strong factor for causing chapped lips. Certain irritants or allergens found in cosmetics or skin care products can also result in chapped lips as an allergic reaction. It can help if you protect the lips at all time with the help of an oil based lubricating application containing either petroleum jelly or beeswax. Remember to apply lip balm that contains sunscreen before stepping out outdoors, especially during winter.

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