Natural Treatment For Gastroparesis Conditions

By Patricia | December 1, 2009

What Is Gastroparesis

Gastroparesis is a condition that very often occurs in patients that are simultaneously suffering from ether type 1 or type 2 diabetes. It is characterized by an apparent delay in the emptying of the stomach. The nerves in the stomach are either damaged or stop working. As a result, if the vagus nerve, which helps control the movement of food through the digestive tract, is damaged, then the muscles of the stomach and intestines do not work effectively and efficiently which either brings the movement of food to either a very slow pace or a complete stop. Studies have shown that at least 20 percent of people with type 1 diabetes suffer from this condition. Diabetes can be the main cause of damage to the vagus nerve as a result of consistent high levels of blood sugar that result in chemical changes that are primarily responsible for damage to the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the nerves. Some of the common causes of the condition also includes smooth muscle disorders, viral infections, metabolic disorders including hyperthyroidism, nervous system diseases, gastro esophageal reflux disease, anorexia and bulimia as well as medications that slow the contractions in the intestines.


When affected by the condition, the patient experience heartburn, nausea, vomiting undigested food, abdominal bloating, pain in the regions of the upper abdomen, a feeling of fullness after only a few bites of a meal, weight loss triggered by the poor absorption of nutrients and low calorie intake. The retention of food in the stomach for a long period of time could cause a bacterial overgrowth from the fermentation of the food. The food is also likely to harden into slid masses called bezoars that may instigate vomiting, nausea and obstruction in the stomach. This could be dangerous if the bezoars were to block the entrance to the small intestine.

Diet Plan And Natural Treatment

In order to get some relief from the condition, you should try rapidly exhaling and pushing the diaphragm inside while exhaling. The inhalation process should be normal. Repeat these exhalations for about 10 minutes every day on an empty stomach in order to better condition the vagus nerve against the condition. The main remedy for the condition is to change your eating habits in order to benefit the entire food processing cycle of the body. Instead of eating 3 big meals a day, cut them down into 6 smaller meals. This allows less amount of food to enter the stomach every time you eat, making the digestion process much faster and more efficient. Avoid any high fat or high fiber foods as they naturally slow the digestive process.

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