Height increasing techniques

(September 12, 2010)

Yoga for gaining height

The height of a person depends on several factors. The most important of these is genetics. You are likely to be short if your parents are also short. Your genes influence how tall you will grow, and in such a scenario efforts at increasing your height naturally have limited chance of success. You can however try increasing your height naturally so that you can reach your full growth potential. Other factors that determine height include diet and exercise. A diet that is rich in calcium will ensure that your bones develop well. Exercise also helps to strengthen the muscles and bones. Growth is regulated by hormones, which are the chemicals released by the glands of the body. The production of hormones may be affected by other chemical substances. Therefore exposure to chemicals can interfere with your body’s hormone production. Exposure to cigarette smoke, fumes and industrial chemicals may all affect the height of a person. Humans mostly stop growing taller once they reach their twenties. There are many products that have been introduced in the market today which claim to be facilitate increasing height naturally. These include pills, exercise equipment and other devices. However, these products may end up interfering with your endocrine system. The growth hormones naturally increase height during the childhood and adolescent years. Use of these hormones through artificial means may cause damage to the body.
Teenagers may consult an endocrinologist to check if the glands of the body are functioning well. In case there is any abnormality, early treatment will help to correct it. An endocrinologist usually performs tests that examine the hormone levels in the body. For adults, there are no ways of increasing height quickly. The only method known to work is a surgical procedure involving the knee joints. This is an expensive procedure and also very painful. However, the good news is that there are ways by which you can appear taller that you actually are. One of the best ways to learn how to get taller naturally is yoga. Simple yoga postures helps to correct and improve your posture, thereby making you look much taller.
You can try increasing your height with exercises like Sukhasana (Easy Pose). This exercise tones the muscles of the hips and back. To perform this exercise, sit in a cross legged position with your hands on your knees. Breathe deeply and evenly and keep your spine straight. Then pushing your backside to the ground, lower your knees and raise your arms over your head as you inhale. Hold for a few seconds and then slowly bring the arms back down, exhaling as you do so.

Submitted by A on September 12, 2010 at 11:35

Height increasing techniques 

Yes as you are still 16 it is possible to increase your height with some yoga exercises when done on regular basis. Try the following yoga asana to increase height –

  1. Ardha uttanasana or half standing forward bend – touch your ankles and stand straight. Breathe in, bend from the waist slowly and place your hands on the ground (you can also touch your ankles if possible). Bend your head slowly towards your knees. Hold in this pose for 30 seconds and breathe normally. Now slowly exhale and return back to normal standing position.
  2. Tadasana – stand on the floor with your feet together evenly balanced and hands on the sides of each thigh. Squeeze your thigh, pull up your knee caps and tuck your tail bone. Inhale and slowly stretch your hands upwards from the waist to the head. You can feel your spine become straight and long. Hold for 30 seconds and breathe normally. Exhale and relax, drop shoulders down, hands down slowly and relax your knees and thighs.
  3. You can also try adho mukha svanasana, vriksasana, adho mukha svanasana, salabhasana, balasana, and garudasana.

Along with practicing these poses daily eat a balanced meal high in proteins and calcium daily.

Submitted by S M on May 26, 2008 at 05:06

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