Remedies & Causes Of Excessive Belching

By Patricia | February 22, 2010


Most people experience belching, however, it can be more noticeable in some people than others. Belching is the body’s way of expelling excessive air. This air normally enters the body while eating, or through foods that contain air in them or foods that produce gas. Make sure you cover your mouth when belching to avoid causing discomfort to others.


The best way to prevent belching is to reduce the air intake. Become aware of the way in which you eat. People who eat with their mouth closed, experience less belching or none at all. Also, foods such as beer, whipped cream, soufflés, and others contain air inside them. This can cause bouts of belching after they have been consumed. If you are going to consume these foods, either consume small amounts or eat slowly. Some people enjoy chewing gum or tobacco. This too causes air to be swallowed and thus contributes to excessive belching. Another cause is the nervous reflex of swallowing air or saliva. Some people do this without thinking when they are anxious. If you notice that you suffer from this behavior, condition yourself to stop swallowing.

How you eat plays a big role in digestion. If you eat too fast, you may not have chewed your food properly, this can give rise to indigestion that either leads to acid reflux or belching. Try to eat slowly and chew your food properly. Research indicates that you need to chew your food at least 32 times before swallowing it. This not only reduces belching but also helps in proper digestion. Avoid carbonated drinks as they tend to aggravate belching because you are actually swallowing air contained in these drinks. Drinking liquids with a straw also causes air to be taken in, so as far as possible try to drink using a glass instead of a straw. Certain foods such as beans, cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, turnips, radishes, onions, and excess raw fruit and vegetables can also cause gas formation in the stomach leading to excessive belching. Try to reduce your intake of these foods or avoid them altogether if you suffer from excessive belching. If you suffer from indigestion or frequent belching you can use an over-the-counter antacid for quick relief. Also, make sure you get enough exercise; this helps your digestive system to function properly and can reduce belching. Avoid drinking water immediately after eating; this is to provide the acids and digestive juices time to act on the consumed food as many believe that water would dilute it.

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