Symptoms Of Endometriosis

By Patricia | October 28, 2009

Causes And Symptoms

Endometriosis is a very painful condition that involves the female reproductive organs. When a person suffers from this condition, the tissues which normally develop on the inner walls of the uterus (endometrium) begin to form on the outside of the uterus as well. These tissues can then lead to the formation of cysts, which may be found in the vagina, bladder, urethra, fallopian tubes, uterine ligaments and the ovaries. In some rare cases, the cysts may also develop within the lungs and the limbs. The main symptom associated with this condition is excruciating pain in different forms. However, a lot of women may display no symptoms at all. Some of the more common signs and symptoms of this ailment are: pain during the menstrual cycle, heavy or irregular bleeding during the menstrual cycle, pelvic pain and painful intercourse, abdominal swelling, infertility, fatigue and pain in the lower back.

Home Remedies

Here are a few home remedies which will help in treating this condition. Take a few pieces of ginger and boil them in 500 ml of water. Let the mixture simmer for a few minutes over a low fire. Once the decoction cools, strain it into a glass and add a teaspoon of sugar for taste. This liquid should be had three times a day in order to stop excessive bleeding. Another very effective remedy would be to use coriander seeds. Boil a teaspoon of the seeds in half a liter of water for a few minutes. Once the solution has cooled (but is still warm), strain it into a glass and add dash of sugar for taste purposes. Drinking this decoction while it is still warm, will also help in reducing bleeding.

Banana flower is also considered to be effective when it comes to reducing excessive bleeding. Cook a banana flower and then consume it along with a cup of fresh yogurt. The herb known as Jurubeba is also very beneficial in treating endometriosis, as it is known to normalize periods and relieve pain. Consume a lot of alfalfa, as it is a great supplier of Vitamin K: this will help clot the menstrual blood. Have plenty of fruit juices that have been made from dark grapes, pineapples, papayas and mangoes. This will also help in reducing the bleeding. Beet juice can also be had to normalize periods. Sixty to ninety grams of this juice, if had twice a day will yield positive results.

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