Things that Can Be Done For A Loose Tooth Of An Adult

By Patricia | October 28, 2009


A loose tooth, particularly in adults, can be a cause for concern. After all, nobody wants to bid farewell to their pearly whites. Loose teeth are usually caused when the gums themselves become loose and are no longer tight enough to grip the teeth firmly. These loose gums tend to slacken further and this in turns results in tooth being shaky or loose. Some of the other reasons that can lead to loose teeth are; gum disease, trauma caused to the gums and teeth, and chronic illness.


Here are a few home remedies to treat a loose tooth. One of the best treatments for a loose tooth is a massage. Massage the gum, around the affected tooth, with the help of your index finger, using circular motions. This will enhance the blood supply to the affected tooth. This has to be done twice a day; once while brushing the teeth in the morning and once before bed. Mix together a dash of table salt and an equal quantity of turmeric. Now massage this mixture into the gums with the tip of your index finger. Make sure that you massage the gum for about 10 minutes, after which you can rinse your mouth with lukewarm water. In addition to this, you could also massage a mixture that has been made from 2 drops of mustard oil and a pinch of salt on the gum surrounding the affected tooth. In case you are also experiencing pain, on account of the loose tooth, then dip a cotton ball in a bowl of vinegar and hold it against the tooth for 4-5 minutes. This will help in reducing the pain to some extent.

Do not put additional stress on the already loosened tooth. Take care to ensure, that you do not chew with the affected tooth, as it could make the situation worse. Additionally, in order to maintain the health of your teeth, adopt a balanced and healthy diet. Consuming a lot of sweet foods could harm your teeth, thus make sure to minimize the intake of such food. Stay away from chewing gums and hard candy. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables. Peaches, apricots, apples, radish, carrots, turnip, beet, parsley, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and millet are all good for the teeth, and hence, should be consumed on a regular basis. However, if along with the loose tooth you also experience symptoms such as extreme pain, swelling and bleeding gums, then consult your dentist immediately.

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