Best Remedies For Burning Lips Sensation After Having Spicy Food

By Patricia | December 4, 2009

How To sooth my burning sensation on lips from eating salsa with Jalapenos?

It’s very common to burn one’s mouth and tongue while consuming your favorite spicy, hot foods, and beverages. But, the discomfort from the burn should not last for more than a few days, and will normally subside within a week. However, if you still do not get relief after using the following home remedies, consider visiting your doctor; there could be some other underlying issue that is causing the burning sensation.

Cures To Sooth Burning Sensation

You seem to be suffering from a mild burn that is uncomfortable but easy to cure. Water is the best remedy to reduce a burning sensation. Sip on cold or room temperature water at regular intervals during the day. Be careful about the amount of water you drink as more than a couple of liters can be dangerous for your health. You can also use an ice pack to soothe and numb the burning sensation. However, move the ice around and don’t let it stay in one place for too long as this can cause frost bite. The next tip is to spread some honey on the area that feels burned. This should soothe the feeling immediately. If you don’t have honey, try some petroleum jelly. Baby oil is also good for the skin since it contains Vitamin E; apply some of it on your lips at regular intervals during the day. Milk based moisturizers also have soothing properties. You can apply small amounts of moisturizer on your lips, to accelerate the healing. Drink smoothies and fresh fruit juices that are cooling. Also, try to eat papaya as it contains enzymes that help remove dead cells from wounds. You can also make a paste from a slice of papaya and apply it to your lips for 15 to 20 minutes.

Purchase an over-the-counter lip balm with essential oils and aloe vera. These have soothing and healing properties that should reduce the burning sensation and allow your lips to heal. Avoid spicy foods for a few days as this can aggravate the burning sensation. Also make sure that you allow foods to cool before consuming them. Stay away from foods that are salty, sharp, and crunchy for a few days, for instance foods such as chips, crackers, toast, and others. Citrus fruits such as lemon and orange may sting if they come into contact with your lips, so avoid these for a few days. Take Vitamin E supplements to accelerate the healing process.

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