Yoga Exercises For Increasing Flexibility In Sports & Martial Arts

By Patricia | October 10, 2008
Yoga For Athletes: Increase Flexibility

Yoga infuses a perfect balance between body and mind. Yoga trains the mind psychologically and increases power of concentration which is necessary for any kind of sport including karate.

To increase flexibility, you need to combine asanas (Body poses) with Pranayam (Breathing Technique). A few postures which will make your body supple and flexible are –

Halasana (The Plough Pose)

This Asana if practiced regularly will make your spine flexible. It revitalizes the back muscles and nerves and any kind of fatigue disappears quickly. Also prevents formation of fat in stomach, waist and hips.

Ardha-Bhujangasana (Simplified Cobra Pose)

This body pose makes spine, legs and ankles strong and flexible. It maintains the body’s equilibrium.

Salabhasana(The lotus posture)

This body pose strengthens the muscles in the back, abdomen and arms. It cleans and regenerates the kidneys by supplying blood to the kidneys.

Dhanurasana (The bow posture)

This asana is good for spinal column. It tones up abdominal organs, recharges the solar plexus with vital energy and strengthens the nervous centres.

Mayurasana (The peacock pose)

Again this is good for physical balance and strengthening of hands, wrists and forearms.

Kurmasana (The Tortoise pose)

One gets recharged with energy. A feeling of serenity develops. This is also good for spinal column, nervous system and abdominal organs.

Mondukasana (The Frog pose)

This strengthens the thigh muscles. It also helps in digestion.

Gomukhasana (The Cow-head posture)

This pose develops the arm muscles.

Naukasana (The Boat posture)

This strengthens the thigh and abdominal muscles. This asana helps in developing will power.

Natarajasana (Lord Nataraja’s Pose)

This asana makes the legs and spine supple and strengthens ligaments. It is a pose full of energy and beauty and develops a sense of equilibrium.

Viparitkarani (The inverted posture)

This inverted posture is called so because the body takes up an inverted position that of legs above the head. It revitalizes the body with new energy. Blood flows to the neck, throat and head and the nervous centres of the brain, thyroid and pituitary glands get rejuvenated.

Sarvangasana (The shoulder-stand)

This is also an inverted posture and known as queen of asanas. This has regenerative effect on the nervous system, especially the thyroid. It keeps the body supple and strong and you can retain your youthful vigour for a long time.

Sirshasana (Head stand pose)

This pose is known as king of asanas and is again an inverted posture. It rejuvenates the brain and the complete nervous system as arterial blood rushes to the brain while performing this asana. It is good for sensorial organs as well. The memory and power of concentration get enhanced.

Savasana (The corpse pose)

All asanas should be followed by Savasana, complete relaxation of body. Rhythmic breathing in Savasana is highly beneficial for the body and mind. It removes all mental fatigue, stress or strain and stimulates the entire nervous system. It eliminates all toxins accumulated in the body and recharges the whole body. This asana brings peace and tranquility.

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