Exercises to Strengthen Lower & Upper Body

By Patricia | December 22, 2008
Yoga High-And-Low-Lunge-Poses

In the low lunge the forward knee has more bend than in a high lunge. As a result your hips remain higher above the floor, and for many individuals, possibly lesser stretch (if any) through the quadriceps and groin muscles of the rear leg.

High Lunge Poses

  • From Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog), inhale and take your right foot back into what-is-called a lunge.
  • Place your left knee squarely over your left ankle, perpendicular to the floor and ceiling.
  • Pressing your palms and fingers or fists into your yoga mat raise so that the crown of your head is pointing at the ceiling.
  • Rolling your shoulders down, push out your chest and gaze straight ahead. Your chin must be parallel to the floor.
  • Hold the pose for a few breaths. It is important that you concentrate on your breath and the stretch in your chest, hips and spine.
  • To come out of the pose, slowly and with a deep inhalation pull your right foot forward into or take your left foot back into Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog).
  • Repeat the pose on your other side.

Low Lunge Poses

  • From table position, take your left foot behind and place your right knee squarely over your left ankle.
  • Your right knee and the top of your right foot must rest on your mat.
  • Pressing your palms and fingers or fists into your yoga mat raise so that the crown of your head is pointing at the ceiling.
  • Rolling your shoulders down, push out your chest and gaze straight ahead. Your chin must be parallel to the floor.
  • Breathe this way for a while, holding the pose. It is important that you concentrate on your breath and the stretch in your chest and torso.
  • To come out of the pose, slowly and with a deep inhalation pull your left foot next to your in right in the table position.
  • Repeat the pose on your other side.

Actually, there isn’t much difference, as far as doing both poses goes – as you will find from the above mentioned descriptions. Both positions even look pretty much the same. The only difference lies in the benefits to the different parts of your body. The Low Lunge opens up your chest and hips, stretches your spine and upper body. The High Lunge, on the other hand, stretches and strengthens your lower body.

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