Baby Nasal Congestion & Home Remedies

By Patricia | June 24, 2009

Nasal Congestion children

Nasal congestion takes place due to the obstruction of the nasal passages caused by the swelling of the membranes lining the nostrils and swollen blood vessels. Nasal obstruction or a blocked nose in children is usually due to a minor annoyance but may lead to other difficulties if not diagnosed or treated on time.

A nasal blockage may meddle with the hearing, the ear canals and in some cases — if left undetected — can even cause speech impairment. Substantial nasal blockage can cause disturbances in sleep, induce snoring, and can be affiliated to sleep disorders. Among children, nasal blockages due to dilated lymphoid tissues have resulted in chronic sleep disorders with depleted oxygen levels and in rare cases - heart failure. Under such circumstances, medical experts usually recommend surgery to correct the condition that involves the removal of the lymphoid tissues and tonsils.

If the nose blockage persists for a longer period of time, your baby is also likely to experience mild facial aches and headaches and a certain level of discomfort. Get your little one to consume plenty of fluids throughout the day -- more than usual -- in order to flush out the irritants in the nasal passages and clear the congestion causing the blocked nose.

Remedies and Treatment

Warm water, fresh fruit juices, and vegetable broths are advocated by medical experts to settle down the congestion. Allow the baby to take plenty of rest and sleep during incidents of nasal blockage. Do not offer tea or coffee to the baby as caffeinated beverages are to be avoided under fluids. You could also try to increase the moisture in the air with the help of a humidifier. A hot steamed bath or shower may also be useful in relieving the nasal blockage and assuaging the discomfort.

Do not attempt to insert cotton swabs into the baby's nostrils; this practice is gravely discouraged as a home remedy by pediatricians, as one might tend to push the blockage further into the baby’s nostrils. If you are aware of mucus or phlegm oozing from the nostrils, then wiping them off from the nostril tips is recommended. However, in such a scenario, where you are unaware of the kind of blockage causing the congestion, it is strongly advised not to use cotton swabs, as parents would normally resort to.

It is best to consult your pediatrician in the absence of signs of a cold or flu causing the nasal blockage. Mostly allergies or colds result in nasal congestion, and is usually a pronounced symptom. But if the baby is not experiencing any cold or flu, it is highly advisable not to ignore the issue and consult a doctor immediately.

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