Make The Heart Pump Faster And Stronger with Breathing exercises

By Patricia | April 27, 2009
Yoga For Cardiac Health

Block Artery Yoga - What yoga posture helps open blocked arteries?

Blocked arteries are usually caused by the build up of cholesterol or sometimes even muscles in the inner layers of the arteries. Given this blockage, the blood flow will slow down and the rest of the body will not get enough oxygen or nutrients. The plaque also weakens the arterial wall, which can lead to the formation of blood clots and maybe even a heart attack. Blocked arteries are usually accompanied by symptoms such as pain in the chest, arms, and neck, shortness of breath, and an irregular heart beat.

Yoga is one of the best natural methods to help alleviate these symptoms. Yoga is an ancient discipline that has its origins in India many centuries ago. This discipline is known to have aided a number of healing processes. Yoga uses both postures or ‘asanas’ and breathing techniques or ‘pranayama’ to help heal the body. Yoga improves the body’s strength which can help control blood pressure, respiration, and metabolic rates.

A helpful asana is the hands to feet extension or the ‘Pada Hastasana’. For this pose, first stand straight, raise your arms upwards and take a breath. Then, bend down to touch your feet and while doing so, exhale. This extension promotes the circulation of blood, thus making the heart pump faster and thereby making it stronger.

In order to help relieve any pain in the arms and neck, the child pose or ‘Balasana’ is a good pose. To perform this pose, kneel down and place your head on the floor. Stretch your arms out in front of you and then bring them to your side. This simple exercise gives your arms and neck a gentle stretch without working them too hard.

‘Kapalabhati’ is a useful breathing exercise for blocked arteries. It helps clear out any blockages in the chest and airways. ‘Kapalabhati’ involves taking in and expelling short, rapid breaths while expanding and contracting your abdominal muscles. This helps release any tension in the air passages and makes it easier for you to breathe.

You can also practice meditation regularly. To meditate, sit in the ‘Padmasana’ position on the floor with your legs folded. Close your eyes and try to keep your mind clear of all thoughts. Take it deep breaths while chanting ‘Om’. The deep breaths will help relieve shortness of breath and it also helps regulate heart rate.

If you are uncomfortable performing any of these poses, you can try something different or go to a yoga teacher to practice the poses.

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