Yoga Postures For Spinal Alignment & Back Pain During Meditation

By Patricia | May 18, 2009
Yoga Poses For Spinal Alignment

Spinal alignment during meditation is an important feature to achieve the desired results. Yoga prescribes various poses that can help alignment of the spine during meditation. Some sitting postures that promote the flow of energy include padmasana (lotus pose), ardha padmasana (half lotus), sukhasana (easy posture) and vajrasana (thunderbolt posture). These postures are considered ideal before and during meditation. The seated mountain pose (tadasana) is also prescribed as an ideal posture during meditation. Choose a posture that you are best comfortable in. Spinal alignment postures help align the neck, shoulder and spine. These postures help relax the mind while providing stability to the body.

The padmasana or lotus posture requires the person to be ideally seated on the floor with legs crossed. This posture lends stability to the spine as the lower half converts to a steady base for the spine. But this posture is not considered ideal for a given the excessive strain around the knees. Though regular practice can resolve initial discomfort, individuals with knee problems or certain other medical problems may find this pose painful. Ardha padmasana or half lotus posture allows only one leg to be crossed above the opposite thigh while the other leg rests below. This posture relieves excessive strain on knees. The sukhasana or easy pose is also favored by many due to the ease of holding such a posture especially during longer sessions of meditation. Choosing the right posture will help you continue your meditative stance while keeping the spinal alignment intact. Discomfort could disrupt your concentration and reduce your chances of gaining the calming benefits of meditation. The sukasana or easy pose requires you to hold your hips slightly above the knees with help of padding such that the legs cross in front without overlapping. The legs are placed overlapping each other in a cross legged fashion. Keep the shoulder blades parallel to the hips and open up the shoulder blades keeping the spine erect and the crown of the head faces the ceiling. This is an ideal and comfortable posture that promotes energy flow and makes it easy to continue holding the posture until you end the session.

The seated mountain pose or (tadasana) is a prescribed posture for spinal alignment during meditation. This posture requires you to place your tailbone against the wall or chair and ensures that the back of your head, shoulders and rib cage region touch the wall while the neck and lower back region remain detached. Keep legs firmly in a cross legged position with knees slightly high above the ground. This is ideal for spinal alignment during meditation.

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