Measuring Walking Distance

Submitted by Kevin Pederson on March 2, 2012

Walking is an excellent exercise, as it helps fight obesity and at the same time, keeps the circulatory system as well as the heart healthy. People who are interested in toning up or losing weight should get started on a proper walking program, through which they can increase their stamina, strength and fitness levels too.


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While everyone is aware of the numerous benefits that are associated with walking, there is a lot of confusion among people, on the recommended daily walking distance, for them to remain fit and healthy. Although there is no hard and fast rule on the minimum recommended daily walking distance as such, most people are advised to walk briskly, for 30 to 45 minutes at least 5 times a week. Most average adults should be able to walk for around 1½ to 2 miles, at a brisk pace.

Therefore, you can easily meet the daily recommended walking distance, by making sure that you walk for 2 miles each day.

Walking has several benefits and can even be better than exercises like jogging or running, as it is can be enjoyed by anybody as it is easier on the joints. However, if you want to incorporate the exercise of walking, into a proper weight loss program, it will help if you know the distance you cover while walking. It is important to measure your walking distance, so that you can develop a suitable exercise program to lose weight and increase your aerobic fitness.

The basics of measuring walking distance

There are a couple of ways to know exactly what distance you have walked, some of which include:

  • Pedometers: These devices can either count the number of steps that have been taken, or the area that you have covered. Some pedometers can even measure both
  • Treadmills: Using a treadmill can help measure the walking distance, quite accurately. Once you feed in your body weight and start walking, the machine tells you the distance covered, the calories burned as well as the time spent in exercising
  • Distance measuring: Choose a track of a particular distance and multiply it by the number of laps you take, to calculate the distance you walk

There are some people who lose their motivation, when they measure their exact walking distance, as they do not cover as many miles as they would like to. However, one of the advantages of keeping track of the distance you walk everyday, is being able to check if you have made any improvement or not. In case you are not satisfied even after a few weeks, it may be best for you to consult a professional fitness expert.

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