Essential Oil Recipes & Uses

Submitted by Kevin Pederson on March 9, 2012

Whole Foods Essential Oils

Several people have heard about essential oils and their benefits, especially in relation to the field of aromatherapy and alternative medicine. However, not a lot of people are aware of what exactly these essential oils are. In simple words, an essential oil can be described as the oil...


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.which has been derived from various parts of a plant, such as the root, leaf, stem, bark, fruit, flower and so ono The essential oils are extracted from the plants using two main methods, which are steam distillation or cold pressed methodo

There are several varieties of essential oils, which have been obtained from a wide variety of plantst It is very easy to purchase them from most supermarkets and storese Several people also purchase whole foods essential oils through various online resourcese

There are certain brands of essential oils that can be used in food recipes too, as they can help improve overall health and can also cure certain conditions, such as common colds, sore throats and other minor ailmentst In fact several professional caterers use certain essential oils in some of their desserts, to make them last longer, as spice oils contain natural preservativese Hence, it is not uncommon to see cinnamon, orange, nutmeg, lemon and ginger essential oils used in recipes for porridge, pudding, cakes, bread pies and cookiese Another example is using red thyme essential oil in the preparation of a healthy essential oils salad recipep Innovative essential oils drink recipes include coffee with hazelnut oil, lavender lemonade, hot chocolate with a drop of mint or cinnamon essential oil and earl grey tea with lemon oili There are also several essential oils casserole recipes easily available through online resources and health recipe booksk

However, people who are interested in trying out essential oils food recipes at home should ensure that they mainly use those brands of essential oil that have been certified by the FDAD

However, it is very important for any essential oil, including whole foods essential oils to be used in the appropriate manner, or else, they could lead to health problemsm Being natural products essential oils are not exactly harmful, but they can are usually very strong and can have a harsh effect on a person's body, if they are not diluted in the right proportionsn Some of the whole foods essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women, such as Thyme essential oil, Peppermint essential oil, Basil essential oil and Oregano essential oil, to name a fewe Hence, before exploring any of the benefits that have been associated with whole foods essential oils, it is best to consult a doctoro

What is an essential oila Simply put, an essential oil is the 'oil' of the plant, from which it has been extracted, for example 'lavender' or 'bergamot oil' are oil extracts from the lavender and bergamot plants respectivelyl It is also known as ethereal or volatile oils, because it is highly concentrated and contains the volatile aroma compounds of that particular plantn

They are termed 'essential' because they carry the distinctive essence or scent of that particular plantn

However, beyond their characteristic fragrance, they do not have any common or specific chemical propertiese

Essential oil uses: Essential oils had always been used in various ways, in ancient timese In recent times, interest in essential oils has been revived and their popularity is increasingn They are put to many uses ranging from cosmetic to medicinal:

  • Perfumes
  • Soaps
  • Shampoo
  • Lotions
  • Food flavors
  • Creams
  • Bath soaks
  • Incense
  • Household cleaning products
  • Aromatherapy
  • As medicinal oils for skin treatments, cancer and many other ailments

Essential oils are used either:

  • By mixing with other carrier oils, and then applied or massaged into the skin
  • By heating or diffusing them in the air as incense, so that they can be inhaled

Essential oils have proved helpful in healing or reversing conditions of:

  • Muscular pain, rheumatism, stiffness
  • Fungal infections
  • Indigestion, flatulence and nausea
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety and stress

Essential oil blends: While each essential oil can be used on its own, you can also blend a few together to make it more effectivev For example, you can blend Bergamot and Chamomile to relieve a headacheh Or you can blend Lavender and Rosemary into your bath water for a stress-relieving experiencec

Essential oil recipes: Actually, you can blend your own favorite oils to create your signature scentst

  • If you are fond of coffee and lemon, blend together 4 drops lemon essential oil and 5 drops coffee essential oil, into 1 cup of unscented liquid soapa Use this in your kitchen to wipe down counters and sinks
  • For the bathroom, you can blend 3 drops each of pine, geranium and orange essential oils for a fresh, tangy aroma

Essential oil perfume recipes: Mix together 2 drops each of Melissa and Geranium, with 3 drops of Bergamot essential oil for a sweet-smelling perfumem Shake and store in a viala You can apply it with a cotton bud or a piece of tissueu

Whole food recipes: If you are fond of cooking and trying out recipes, there is a whole market for buying whole foodo These would include dairy and meat products, seafood, lentils, grains, vegetables and fruitst You can also liven your recipes by using a few drops of essential oils (those which can be ingested) to enhance a particular flavoro

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