Yoga Posture To Calm the Mind and Enhance Concentration Power

By Patricia | January 19, 2009
Yoga Posture To Calm the Mind and Enhance Concentration Power

There are yoga postures which help to calm of your mind and enhancing your power of concentration. Actually our mind wavers especially with too many distractions around us. When we do not have any control over our mind, it continues to be restless and flits from one thought to another. Regular practice of yoga helps to focus your mind and thus increasing your memory.

The yoga posture that will benefit you are :

Surya Namaskar (The Sun Salutation Pose): There are 12 variations of poses. It is not only beneficial for the whole body but also improves the memory.

  1. Stand straight. Bring your palms together in prayer position.
  2. Inhaling raise your arms over your head keeping your palms together.
  3. Exhale and then bend forward until your hands can comfortably touch your feet.
  4. Inhaling stretch your right leg back, arch back and lift your chin.
  5. Exhaling stretch your left leg back into a plank position, keeping your spine and legs in a straight line and supporting your weight on your hands and feet.
  6. Holding your breath, lower your knees, chest and forehead keeping your hips up and toes curling under.
  7. Inhaling stretch forward and bend back, keeping your arms straight.
  8. As you exhale, curl your toes and press down into your heels and lift your hips.
  9. Inhale and move your left leg back with the top of your foot stretched out straight on the floor. Lift your chin and look up.
  10. Exhale and then bend forward until your hands can touch your feet.
  11. Inhale and stretch your arms forward and over your head. Gradually bend backwards from your waist.
  12. Exhaling come back to the standing position.

Padmasana (The Lotus Pose): This is a meditative pose that has a calming effect on the mind and make you look inward. This is difficult to start with. So proceed with this posture slowly. Sit straight on the yoga mat. Stretch your legs in front. Grasp the right ankle with the help of the right hand. Simultaneously hold the right big toe with the left hand. Try to bend the right knee outward, now bring your right foot towards your left groin. Place it on the left upper thigh. Similarly fold the left leg and place the foot at the root of the right upper thigh. The position of the heels should be such that they both should be pressing on the nearest part of the abdomen. Rest your hands on your knees, palms opened up with the tip of your index finger touching the thumb, forming a small circle. Close your eyes and remain in this position as long as you can.

Adho Mukha Virasana (Face Down Hero’s Pose): kneel on the floor. Spread your knees a little apart. Bend your trunk and chest forward between the knees allowing your forehead to rest on the floor. Extend your arms forward to rest on the floor. Maintain the pose and breathe normally. Inhale and return to the original position.

Supta Virasana (The Hero’s Pose In Lying Position): Kneel on the floor with your back straight. Recline your back and rest your elbows on the floor. Extend the arms one at a time and allow your head and the back to rest on the floor. Take your arms over your head and straighten them. Maintain the pose and breathe normally. Exhale and return to the original position.

Vrikshasana (The Tree Pose): Stand with your feet together and the arms by your side. Take your right leg up and place the right foot on your left thigh as high as possible, toes pointing downward. Keep your left leg absolutely straight. Balance and keep your hands in prayer position. Inhale and raise both your hands straight over your head, palms facing each other. Maintain the pose and breathe normally. Exhale and return to the original position.

Savasana (The Corpse Pose): Lie on your back with legs slightly apart. Place your hands away from your body, palms facing upward. Close your eyes and consciously relax each and every part of your body including the mind. It is advisable to breathe normally with full consciousness. Stay in this position for 5 minutes and then slowly become aware of all the parts of the body. After you have concentrated on each and every part of your body, open your eyes fully. This is the most beneficial relaxation technique for the body and mind.

You can do Sun Salutation, Lotus Pose and The Corpse Pose every day, trying any of the other postures sometime according to your convenience. You can also include The Wind Relieving Pose, The Cobra Pose, The Locust Pose, The Bow Pose and The Shoulder-Stand Pose for your general well being, again according to your convenience.

Simultaneously, without fail, practice controlled breathing technique or pranayama every day. Do Kapalbhati (The Cleansing Breath) and Anuloma-Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing) for 15 minutes and Bhamri (Bumble Bee Breathing) for 5-7 times every day which are good for concentration and memory.

However practice yoga under the guidance of a Yoga teacher.

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