Advice on Walking And Jogging

By Patricia | August 2, 2010
A Person Walking

In the modern day world, with our lifestyles becoming completely sedentary, it is important to give some physical movement to the body so that the body remains active and the joints stay strong. A person walking regularly can lose a good amount of weight. For instance, a person walking for about 30 to 60 minutes every day would burn the stored fat in the body by helping to build up the metabolism. This in turn, would enable the body to burn off calories more readily. This also helps build muscles. In fact, a person walking is simpler than a person running, and the simple act of walking can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, colon cancer, diabetes, stroke, and breast cancer. A child walking from a young age is less likely to put on weight in the later years.

A person walking everyday can easily use walking to replace their regular cardiovascular exercises. It is recommended that you should walk for at least 30 to 60 minutes at a speed that increases 50% to 70% of your heart rate. To start with, you can assume an easy pace for about 10 to 15 minutes. Once you are done, stop and perform some flexibility exercises as well as stretches. A person jogging for a short while after gaining some speed can increase the heart rate further, losing more calories. After jogging for a few minutes, slow down once again, allowing your heart rate to come down. Then, pick up the pace once again. Once you have completed your target rate, slow down and walk at a slow pace for about 5 minutes before finally coming to a stop. To cool off, perform some gentle stretching exercises.

If you are planning to take longer walks, it is recommended that you take a walk at a high speed for about 30 to 60 minutes, and then slow down for the rest of the time to assume a more comfortable pace. This routine is ideal if you are planning to complete a 90 to 120-minute long walk.

There are some people who may not be physically fit enough to walk for 30 to 60 minutes at a high pace. For these people, it is best to start slow, working with the stretching exercises first, and then beginning with 10 to 15-minute walks at a slow pace. Once you begin walking for 10 to 15 minutes, you can slowly increase your pace methodically, before increasing the amount of time you put into your walking schedule.

If you are planning weight loss, it is best to walk every day of the week or at least most days of the week. If you have a busy schedule that does not permit you to walk for longer periods, it is best to warm up for five minutes and take a short walk twice or thrice a day.

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