Benefits of Yoga for Mental Illness

By Patricia | January 6, 2009
Benefits of Yoga for Mental Illness

Yoga as a complete workout is good for your mental health and one can’t single out a particular yoga asanas that will be more helpful than the others. Yoga is a scientific form of exercise and when you do an entire sequence of postures and then you can get the complete benefits of the exercise. Also, mental and physical health is connected. For instance, exercising releases endorphins in the body, which is good for mental health. Apart from doing yoga asanas, you can also perform Hasya Yoga or Laughter yoga for your mental health.

Yoga For Mental Illness: Yoga asanas, an exercise done by the sages in ancient India, can not only strengthen your body, but can also boost your mood and work wonders on your mental health. According to studies, the stretching postures in yoga, the breath work and meditation is good for treating anxiety disorders, mental illness, and sleeping problems. Yoga also de-stresses you and can calm your mind and de-clutter the stressful thoughts. Research also shows that doing yoga can trigger off certain brain chemicals like gamma-aminobutyric that can help treat depression.

Benefits 0f Yoga: Yoga has several psychological, physical and mental benefits. Here is how yoga can boost your mental and psychological health –

  • It makes you feel more energetic.
  • Yoga can improve your concentration and focus.
  • Yoga is god for those with insomnia.
  • This form of exercise helps you have a greater control over your mind and body.
  • Yoga reduces your levels of anxiety and can cure depression.

How It Works: Psychologists believe that yoga is good for patients suffering from depression and anxiety disorders. Those suffering from this, often have low self-esteem and negative thoughts, which with regular practice of Yoga; can change into more positive thoughts and better self-esteem. Yoga also triggers endorphins in the body; this makes people feel good about themselves. The breathing techniques and the gentle stretches, makes you more aware of your body and yourself. It also makes you feel calmer. Through yoga, your body becomes more flexible and strong; your posture improves; you may even lose weight; your body and mind relaxes; and, you become healthier. These again are connected to you mental and emotional health.

It is important to remember that yoga should not be thought of as the only treatment for depression. Yoga is therapeutic and when used with medicine and counseling, it can have a good affect on mentally-ill patients.

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