Spiritual Benefits Of Tadasana

(November 9, 2010)

What are the spiritual benefits from practicing tadasana, and is there a website that lists spiritual benefits of all the asanas

Yoga has now become increasingly popular across the globe, because of the health benefits that are associated with it. Yoga has become an integral part of several weight loss, stress management and health recovery programs. The various asanas (poses) and exercises are beneficial in treating several types of ailments and disorders. Given below are Tadasana Benefits, Vrksasana benefits as well as the benefits of trikonasana, all of which are commonly practiced poses.

Benefits of tadasana yoga pose

Tadasana (The Mountain Pose) is a basic standing pose, where the feet are together and the hands are placed at the sides of the body. Several people practice this pose daily, because of the several Tadasana benefits. Some of the most common tadasana benefits mountain pose include:

• Promoting happiness and confidence
• Improving body posture
• Creation of space within the body to allow the internal organs to function efficiently  
• Helping the digestion process, elimination process and respiration process
• Strengthening the legs and the abdominal area
• Relieving conditions such as sciatica and improving flat feet  

In order to enjoy the various Tadasana benefits without any side effects, it is important to ensure that it is practiced under the right supervision. The excessive practice of the Tadasana yoga pose could lead to side effects like low blood pressure, insomnia and headaches.

Vrksasana benefits

Vrksasana (The Tree Pose) has been known to improve coordination between the mind and the body. Other benefits associated with Vrksasana are:

• Strengthening the spine, the ankle as well as the muscles in the calf and the thighs
• Stretching the chest, shoulders, inner thighs and the groin
• Improving the sense of balance in the body
• Relieving sciatica
• Reducing the problems related to flat feet

However, it is important to be careful while practicing Vrksasana. In order to enjoy Vrksasana benefits without the risks of any injuries, it is important to stand erect and make sure that the folded knee points towards the side correctly. This pose is the balancing pose and you need be careful while practicing it, so that you don’t lose your balance. In case of people who suffer from high blood pressure, the arms should not be raised overhead.

Benefits Trikonasana

Trilkonasana is also known as The Triangle Pose and there are several benefits of practicing this, which include:

• Increasing the flexibility of the spine
• Getting rid of the stiffness in the hips and legs
• Improving the condition of the lungs
• Reducing fat mainly in the hips and thighs area
• Stimulating some of the organs in the abdomen and relieving indigestion and constipation
• Removing neck pain and backaches by strengthening the neck and abdominal region

This pose should be practiced in the right manner and flow, in order to avoid the risks of injuries.

Submitted by A on November 9, 2010 at 06:42

Benefits Of Tadasana 

The benefits of Tadasana (Mountain pose) are as follows:

  • Helps develop better posture and corrects postural weaknesses, if practised everyday
  • Tones up the leg muscles, strengthens the knees, ankles and thighs
  • Gives firm buttocks and abdomen
  • Alleviates symptoms of sciatica
  • Cure for flat feet (by practising lifting the legs through the arches)

Some of the limitations include the fact that it is inappropriate for patients experiencing insomnia, headache and low blood pressure, in which cases it is best that people avoid doing the pose.

Normally, people practise Tadasana as the preliminary pose for standing postures, between standing postures, or as a standalone pose to improve their posture. As far as the spiritual benefits are concerned, they depend on the attitude with which you practise.

Yoga is basically a spiritual discipline. It is also a holistic approach to life, a science and art of living aimed at attaining the ultimate that is Self realization. We are referring, here, to the Ashtanga Yoga of the sage Patanjali, consisting of the eight fold path. The steps are:

  • Yamas (Restraints)
  • Niyamas (Observances)
  • Asanas (Postures)
  • Pranayamas (Breathing Techniques)
  • Pratyahara (Withdrawal of senses)
  • Dharana (Concentration)
  • Dhyana (Meditation) and
  • Samadhi (Superconscious state, the result of the previous stages)

No single asana (physical posture), pranayama (breathing exercise), mudra (hand gesture), kriya (cleansing technique) or meditation will give you the desired spiritual benefits. The spiritual benefits of the whole package, practiced over a period of time are peace of mind, good overall health, calmness, equilibrium, balanced state in all situations, clarity of mind and heart. This again comes only when practising everything with the right bhavas (attitudes). These bhavas (attitudes) have been adopted from Yoga’s twin philosophy, Samkhya, and are four in number:

  • Dharma (Duty)
  • Jnana (Knowledge)
  • Vairagya (Renunciation)
  • Aishwarya (Self reliance)

Before performing an asana (physical posture), pranayama (breathing exercise), mudra (hand gesture) or kriya (cleansing technique), sit in meditation for a while and, first and foremost, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I doing my duty, or am I doing this action with a sense of duty or just perfunctorily? If so, you will do it well, because any act worth doing is worth doing well.
  • Am I doing it with full knowledge or with a view to learn something, or just routinely and robotically?
  • Am I expecting the fruits of this action now, or sometime in the future, or am I doing it for it’s own sake – like art for art’s sakes – with an attitude of ‘let go’? There is a definite in the quality of results in both cases.
  • Finally, am I self reliant in this act, that is to say dependent, independent or interdependent. The last realization is the most prudent.

If you live life with these attitudes, not just asanas (poses), all of life’s activities will result in tremendous spiritual benefits.

Submitted by A on March 6, 2009 at 03:45

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