Hyperpigmentation And Fair Skin: Home Remedies For Glowing Skin

By Patricia | May 25, 2009
Hyperpigmentation And Fair Skin: Home Remedies For Glowing Skin

Home remedies for fair, bright and glowing skin: i am very dark in colour pls suggest some home made tips which can make my skin bright and glowing

Apart from the immediate requirement of fair, bright and glowing skin, you should also consider the health of your skin from an overall perspective. Having said that, the treatment for attaining the skin you require calls for an understanding of the mechanisms of the skin.

Skin color is basically determined by a substance called melanin. This is what gives skin its color. The presence and amount of melanin that is found in the skin is determined by your racial lineage, which geography you reside in, and the amount of exposure to the sun you have already had and that you continue to have. When melanin is absent in the body a condition called albinism develops and the opposite condition of that is hyperpigmentation. People who are darker in complexion are more prone to hyperpigmentation. What determines the amount of darkening that happens beyond racial lineage is the environmental factor. When you are exposed to the ultraviolet radiation of the sun, the melanin oxidizes and becomes darker; continuous and prolonged exposure will cause a process called melanogenesis to occur where the body creates more melanin to deal with excess ultraviolet radiation exposure – and this is the role of melanin in the skin, as a natural sun block. A normal tan after a brief period in the sun is not a permanent situation. This is why some people come back from the beach with a tan and it disappears a few weeks later. This is because the skin is continuously growing and changing itself. Old layers of skin at the top are always being shed off and along with it melanin in the skin. Any treatment then should focus on the following objectives: reduction of exposure to the sun, clearing off old dead skin, and inhibiting melanin production.

The first step is to begin shielding yourself from the sun. This can be done by wearing clothes that cover your skin; using an umbrella is an extreme but also a good step. Stepping out during cloudy days doesn’t help as ultraviolet radiation attacks even on cloudy days. Next, establish a tri-weekly exfoliating regime. Do this by rubbing lemon juice on your skin and then rubbing with sugar. This will get rid of dead skin and show a lighter shade of new skin below. A milk and flour paste face pack or a turmeric and water paste should also be applied to loosen out further layers. Dietary changes should also follow that include carrots eaten as a salad along with leafy green vegetables and fish oils from seafood.

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