How Can Women Remove Facial Hair Naturally?

By Patricia | July 10, 2009

Some women have genetic problems, due to which long thick hair grows on their face. While the hair is not as much as that found on the face of men, the hair can actually cause a lot of discomfort. This genetic problem is especially true fro women native of the eastern European region and the Middle Eastern region.

However, genetics are not the only cause. Growth of facial hair can also be triggered by hormonal imbalances during the onset of puberty or at the time of pregnancy.

Excessive facial hair is not only a nuisance. In fact, it can also be indicative of a more serious medical problem. Adrenal tumors or polycystic ovarian syndrome are also some of the other causes of facial hair. Therefore it is best to get yourself checked by a doctor as soon as possible.

Removing the facial hair can also be quite a nuisance, especially if the hair is dark, thick and dense. However, here are some home remedies that you can try in order to take care of your excessive facial hair.

Facial masks not only remove the hair but also leave your skin feeling refreshed and supple. Dissolve some sugar in water to a syrupy consistency. Squeeze a lemon into it and apply it twice in a week. Leave it till it dries and then wash off after about fifteen minutes.

You can also apply a mask of honey mixed with fresh lemon juice. Apply smoothly all over the face in the direction of the hair grown. This too has to be applied twice a week. Let it remain for about fifteen minutes. Then rinse it off once it has dried.

A paste made out of sugar and fresh lime juice can be applied to lighten the color of the hair. This paste should be applied before you go to sleep. Do this three to four times in a month. This will lighten the fine hair and make the dark hair fine.

You can also mix some milk or curd into some ground chickpea. Add to it a pinch of turmeric powder. Keep the consistency of the paste thick. Once the paste is ready, apply a thick layer on the face and neck region. Leave it to dry and then rub off the paste till it starts coming out. The fine hair will be peeled away with the paste.

You can also blend an egg white into a tablespoon of sugar and corn flour each. Mix it till it becomes a thick paste. Then apply it all over your face. Peel this off once it dries. This can be repeated four times a week.

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